Saturday, June 11, 2011

Playing in the Hallway

It was raining when we arrived at Vera's baby home yesterday afternoon, so instead of going outside to play, we got to play a hallway. A very hot hallway.
Vera found stickers in my backpack, but she didn't want to do anything with them.
She just held onto them.
Jon took one off the sheet and put it on Vera's hand.
She promptly removed it and put it back on the sheet.
She is really a giggle box!
Her afternoon 'do.'
She searched through my backpack looking for treasures.
And she found a mint!
We have found that she asks to keep most of the things she pulls out of my backpack.
If I say 'no' she says no more to me and goes right to Jon to ask.
If Jon says 'no' she gets a pouty look on her face and turns very whiny.
"Papa, pazhalsta. Pazhalsta, Papa."
Oh, the whiny, little face makes us laugh.
She also started repeating words in English after us.
That was a new development!
The only thing we've been trying to get to her say is 'please.'
And she'll always repeat it after us.
But yesterday she said quite a few unprompted things after we did.
We enjoy watching her and waiting to see what she'll do next.
She and Jon played in the playhouse for quite awhile.
And there was lots of loud laughter from Vera.

And then it was time to go back upstairs.
With no tears.

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