Thursday, June 23, 2011

A New Day

First of all, thank you to all of you who sent encouraging notes and scripture yesterday. Do you ever have one of those days when you're just done? That was me yesterday. I'm done. I'm done with Ukraine. I'm done with this process. I'm done with the orphanage. I'm done being away from my home kids. I'm done with the buses. I'm done with the hard bed. I'm done with the water that's either scalding hot or freezing cold...there's nothing in between here. I was on the verge of tears most of the day yesterday. I was just done.

But your notes were incredibly encouraging to me. We ended the night Skyping with the kids and Jon's mom and we laughed A LOT! I needed that. But I SO wanted to reach through the screen and hug my babies. Yes, Jacob, you may be taller than me now, but you will always be my baby. Anyway, your messages and prayers meant the world to me yesterday! Spaciba!!

And of course, His mercies are new EVERY morning! Today we had just gotten off the bus and were walking the rest of the way to Vera's orphanage. Our phone rang and it was Sasha asking if we're coming today. I told her we were almost there, and she asked if we would like to go along with her and Vera to get Vera's passport picture taken. Would we?! We hurried our steps a bit.

We arrived and Sasha went to ask permission to take Vera out. She told us that when she arrived and we were not with her, Vera started to cry. Poor baby. We didn't leave on a very good note yesterday...Vera wouldn't even look at us or say 'paka.' I wonder if she thought her cold shoulder made us change our minds. She was all smiles when we got there though. The director said that one of Vera's caregivers had to go with us since Vera is not legally ours yet. No problem. We all piled into Sasha's 'machina' (car) and off we went!
Vera was very quiet and seemed unsure at first...
but she was soon jibber-jabbering away asking Sasha for a drink of Coke.
To which we all said, "Nyet!" The last thing this girl needs is caffeine!
The photo place was pretty small, so I took Vera's picture from a distance
as she stood there and smiled.
Didn't they turn out great?!
Vera's 'do' today...I hope she's not expecting me to do this!
We arrived back at the orphanage and finished our visit. Sasha was with us for a few minutes and we were asking about foods that Vera likes and dislikes. She does NOT like any kind of hot cereal...that's my girl! And she LOVES ice cream. Definitely Jon's girl! She likes most other things. She asked me what I don't like and I told her 'fish.' Then, of all things, she asked me if I like pie. "No." Then she said maybe I don't like it because I haven't tried it. I assured her I've tried it and she suggested I try it here. :)
You just gotta love this girl!

Right before it was time to take Vera back to her group, she had leaned over me and was laying across my lap and into Jon's. I was rubbing her back and Jon was stroking her face. It was a lovely moment. I said, "Vera, you're so calm today," and she shot up and gave me a look. Next time she's calm, I'll just think it to myself. She didn't fuss at all about going back to her group. And we each got voluntary hugs and kisses 'paka.'

Sasha left to go review our court decree and make sure there were no errors. Then she was heading somewhere to get Vera's passport started. She called us this afternoon to tell us that Vera's passport will only take 1 day to get (it could've been as many as 4 days) and that we'll be able to get Vera next Wednesday and leave Nikolaiv that day!! This was EXCELLENT news and I needed to hear it! The sooner we head back to Kiev, the sooner we can accomplish all the embassy appointments and get the heck out of here! Sasha is arranging a driver for us so we don't have to take Vera on the overnight train. She agreed that would be better for Vera.

Once I know our homecoming date, I will let you all know. Sasha told us the other day that it was too soon and she will let us know when we can make our arrangements. It cannot be soon enough! Vera so obviously belongs with us and we're just ready to get her home with the rest of her family!


  1. Her passport photo is beautiful! What a cutie pie!!!

  2. She is just such a doll! Love all her smiles. What a treat to go with her to get her photo taken! Praying for you anxiousness to get home.....

  3. Hooray for 1 day passports! We got one too and I could have kissed the lady who agreed to issue it. I know its still common for adoptions in Nikolaev to get the 1 day passports but I still was so happy. like you, I was DONE and wanted to come home to my family, my house, my bed, adn most of all get our girl out of that orphanage!

  4. She just gets more beautiful with each photo!

    Hopefully, you can leave Nikolaev on Wed., go to the Embassy Thurs. morning, get her physical after the Embassy and go back to the Embassy on Friday!

    You should be home in plenty of time to celebrate Independence Day!

  5. We are so feeling your pain, Jason is where you are...ready to leave Ukraine. Glad you were able to take her out and get her pics made. TOO CUTE! One more step walking this path. Very soon you will be home and this will just be a fleeting memory. Hugs to you!
