Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3 - Morning Visit

Vera's group was in the bedroom when we arrived today. We don't know what they were doing, but we could hear several of the kids crying. No matter where we go, inside or outside, we can always hear babies crying. Babies that need mommas and papas to come get them and bring them home.


Vera came out and went right to her locker as usual.
She got out all her treasures and rearranged some things.
Then she put her purses away and got out the Strawberry Shortcake
coloring book we brought her.
She was very interested in the pictures today.
We believe patch therapy and glasses are in her near future.
I'm so glad we already went through strabismus with Caleb.
Vera loves anything with zippers!
And she really loves seeing herself!
I'm so glad I brought 2 cameras!!
We knew Vera's group would have swim time this morning, so we figured we'd just leave when they came out and said it was time. Vera went in for her snack at 10:00 and then came back out to us. A few minutes later, here came her group all ready for swim time. 10 or so little ones with nothing on but underwear, hats, socks and shoes. SO CUTE!! It appeared the caregivers wanted Vera to stay with mama and papa and she was so upset. She cried and cried. We tried to tell them that we wanted Vera to go swim. We did not want her to miss it. They figured out what we were saying and told Vera to grab our hands. And they motioned for us to come too. WOW! We were not expecting to get to see this! I wish so badly I could share photos with you, but I didn't dare take out my camera for this. I took lots of mental photos though. We got outside and the children all sat on a little bench and removed their socks and shoes. There is just nothing cuter that what we saw. All of them sitting there mostly nekked. One of the girls, I'll call her Allie, had her underwear on backwards so when she turned around we could see her little cheeks hanging out. Oh, it was so cute! One by one they got in the pool with 2 women. Picture a small square swimming pool with maybe 6 inches of water in it. The kids got in and laid down in the water and had the BEST time. They splashed and kicked and squealed and played with little fish toys. I'm so thankful we got to see how much Vera loves the water! When we first got down there, one of the caregivers had motioned for us to go sit at the little play area. But when they all got in the pool, she motioned that we could come over and watch. Such a blessing! We were told this was water therapy, but it was really just water playtime. The children loved it! My special little guy wasn't with the group today. Neither was Jon's little love. Where were they?

I forgot to tell you yesterday that when we said 'paka' (goodbye) and left Vera with her group outside, Jon's little love went to the fence and waved to us until she couldn't see us anymore. I'll call her Lisa. Every time we looked back she was standing there, almost falling over the fence she wanted to see us so badly, with her arm as high as could be, waving and smiling.


We stopped at an open market on our way back this morning and found some bubbles. We'll see what Vera thinks of them this afternoon.


  1. Amy, Thank you for the wonderful detail in your blog. It is so fun to read about your time with Vera. It is so encouraging. Sounds like you are making great strides with this little girl. Praise be to God. Praying the rest of your trip goes smoothly.

  2. I'm so glad we can go on this adventure with you, virtually though it may be. Thanks for taking the time to post!

  3. Amy, praying all goes as quickly and smoothly with Vera as Vika's did. I see they were on their way back to Kiev today. I'm loving seeing and reading your blog.
