Friday, June 3, 2011

A Fresh Perspective - and Pictures of Kiev

I went to bed just after 10 pm last night. I was incredibly tired. Jon and I got up at 11 this morning...that's 13 hours in bed. And I think I slept most of that time! YAY for does wonders. The night before last I was awake WAY more than I was asleep. I needed sleep. And a fresh perspective.

So here it is.

I really, really, really hope that my post yesterday did not sound like I was complaining or that I'm unhappy with our facilitators. That is not the case. We can't even express how thankful we are to be here and that so many people are working tirelessly for us. My intent with yesterday's post was to let those families coming soon know about our experience. To let them know that if no one is at the airport when they arrive, just have a seat and wait...someone will get there. If they're not given a phone right away, don't worry. It will be okay! I have learned SO MUCH from reading blogs of people who have done this before. I don't know how many times I've said to Jon, "Oh, I read about this on so-and-so's blog," or "I think so-and-so talked about this on her blog." And for the most part, Jon keeps track of all the so-and-so's. I know one family arrives tomorrow and will be in our region on Wednesday. Can't wait to meet you!! I am one of those people who like to know what to expect. Everyone has said to expect the unexpected and I admittedly was expecting to be unexpected by other things. So, just know that I was not complaining yesterday. Our team is working SO hard for SO MANY families. I've adjusted my expectations and all is well. And we've already had a phone call this morning to tell us to be ready at 2:30 to go pick up our referral and also to see how we are. :)


Let's not forget...we are not on vacation. We are on a mission. We are here for a little girl.
There. Doesn't her sweet little face make you smile? SHE is why we are here. She makes all of the little frustrations worth it. Totally! We didn't come here expecting to be treated like royalty. We would sleep in a tent for 5 weeks if that's what it took. But I am very thankful for our apartment.

So. Last night we went out for dinner. We've eaten in our apartment all week and I really needed a real meal. Someone had told us about a good Italian restaurant, so we went there. Oh man! I needed that! It was the first time I felt full since arriving here. We did indulge in dessert after dinner too. Okay...all you people who raved about the ice cream here...I get it now. I kept telling Jon we had to try the ice cream here, and we were both wondering what in the world could be different about it? We get it now. As Leanna would say, Nummy Nummy!!

I was a total tourist on our walk back to our apartment and took pictures.

Right next to the Italian place where we ate, there is a TGI Fridays
Across the street from TGI Fridays, we found a Papa Johns.
After I took these photos, I jokingly said to Jon,
"Let's go find other American things I can take pictures of."
Up these stairs and to the right is our little street
Our apartment building
The 2nd from the top is ours
And I just noticed we are the only ones with an A/C box...
Let me just say PRAISE THE LORD for air conditioning!
I've made a few observations...
Driving here is quite similar to driving in St. Petersburg. There's not always a rhyme or reason to it. The marked lanes are optional. No need to stop and wait at intersections...just pull out in front of everybody and hope that they all stop.

Parking lots are not necessary...any sidewalk will do. And if you stand on the sidewalk to take a picture and you're standing in someone's parking place, they will honk loudly at you. As will the cars behind the car trying to park on the sidewalk who have to stop.

If you don't like the traffic ahead, no problem. Just put the car in reverse and drive backwards, very quickly, up little narrow roads. Just keep driving backwards, no matter how far, until you find a suitable place to turn around.

We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

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