Friday, June 10, 2011

Music Day

When we arrived yesterday morning, Vera's group was outside in their normal play area. We assume it was laundry day because all the kids had on tank tops and undies. Very cute. As she usually does in the mornings, Vera started to cry. We figured out that she enjoys her morning activities and she does not want us to take her away from them. We're still trying to figure out what to do about this. Wednesday wasn't so bad because they were all inside until it was time to swim. But if they're outside when we arrive, tears. I didn't get to take any pictures during our morning visit yesterday since we hung out in the little play area with her group the whole time. So, you'll have to do mental pictures with me again. Each day, something new goes on in the mornings.

Yesterday, it was music time. For awhile we just watched Vera and the other children play. But soon, a lovely, smiling lady with a few gold teeth came walking over. And in her arms she had, of all things, an accordian! WHAT FUN we got to see! She sat down with the kids at the little picnic table and they all sang a few songs. Several of them had motions. How I WISH we could get this on video. Oh, it was precious. Jon and I just sat there smiling and laughing. After a few songs, the music lady had Allie, the nice girl, and my little guy stand up in front of the table. They sang another song and the 3 little ones did a little dance to it. Allie enjoys wiggling her hips. My little guy is clearly a nonconformist. Everybody got up for the last song and Vera stood holding onto a stroller so she could at least bounce up and down as the other kids jumped. It was a fun morning. I'm so glad we're getting to see what Vera's life is like here.

On our way to see Vera yesterday afternoon, I said a prayer that our time would end well. I haven't shared about this because I would much rather concentrate on the good memories. But each afternoon, around 5:30 Vera tells us she has to go potty. So we start to venture in and she begins to panic. She stops and cries and panics. Jon and I are helpless. We don't know what she's saying through her tears. Which I think causes more panic. We make it inside and find someone. Each time Vera has done this, she ends up NOT going potty. She doesn't really have to go. Why does she do this? On Wednesday afternoon, it was nearing our time to leave and we started to take Vera back to her group. They are always outside at that time, but Vera insists that we go inside. We go in and climb the stairs to her room and the door is locked because her group is outside. Jon knows the word for outside and he tells her that that's where her group is. She shakes her head and leads us upstairs. We arrive at the locked door and she panics and cries again. She bangs on the door and hollers for her caregiver. It is so hard to watch.

So on our way there yesterday, I prayed for wisdom. I prayed that our visit would begin and end well and not with panic and tears. It's heartbreaking to see her panic and cry. It's hard to be helpless.

Well, God is good and He hears and answers.

Our visit was the best one yet. And there were no tears. At all.

We totally forgot about the bubbles on Wednesday, so
we got them out yesterday. Vera opened them, blew one bubble,
and locked them away in her purse.
She thought it was quite funny that I wanted to get the
bubbles back out of her purse to blow them.
She laughed and laughed when we tried to tell her to blow softly.
She would blow so hard that nothing would happen.
So we would show her how to do it and how not to do it.
She thought we were very funny and giggled alot.
She really enjoys playing in the sandbox.
We had stopped at the market and bought this little cup
to play in the sand with. It was a hit!
At some point, Vera had gotten a hold of the camera and put a
nice, big fingerprint on the lens. We didn't know it until we
got back and saw the hazy pictures.
We met a nice couple from Italy during this visit. They spoke a little English and we learned that they are here adopting 3 brothers...all in different places. The youngest is here and the other two are in different places, one in this city, the other about an hour away. They're scheduled for court next Friday.
There was also another very nice lady there who offered to take our picture.
We decided to get our photo album out and show Vera her siblings.
We opened it up and pointed to Jacob and Caleb and told her 'brothers' in Russian.
We showed her a picture of Abbi and said 'sister' in Russian.
Vera was fascinated. She would point to them and whisper after us,
"Brother. Jacob. Brother. Caleb. Sister. Abbi."
She can't say Jacob at all. But they don't use a hard J here. She could sort of say Caleb and Abbi came out more like Ebbi. Vera kept flipping through the pictures and would point at someone. When she pointed to me she would say, "Mama" and when she pointed to Jon she would say, "Papa." She pointed to each of the kids and would repeat after us their names. It brought tears to my eyes. I wanted to go grab the camera and get this on video, but it was just such a sweet moment. I couldn't move.
Vera wanted to keep the photo album and we kept saying Nyet.
We would show her again tomorrow.
So we put the album away and walked.
Vera badly wanted to climb.
Someday, Vera. Someday.
She LOVES blackberries!
By this time it was about 6:20 and we needed to head back to Vera's group.
I kept waiting for all heck to break loose.
It never did. We told Vera it was time to go her group. She shook her head a few times and we kept saying 'da.' She finally grabbed my hand, flashed me a smile and off we went. No panicking about needing to potty. No tears.
We found her group outside right where we knew they'd be.
We got a kiss AND a hug goodbye and we all said 'paka.'

Jon and I shared a bag of pistachios on our walk home and
celebrated the success of the afternoon.


  1. Ahhhh, I love these pictures of you and Vera! She is looking right at you-so precious!

  2. What precious moments you are sharing with us. Thank you! I am full of joy and tears this morning. God is so good and faithful.
