Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finding Joy in the Boring

Some of you are wondering why I'm not blogging as much anymore...

Do you remember the post I wrote before we came home and I told you that we would keep our first few weeks at home really boring to help Vera feel safe?

Well, we're up to our eyeballs in boring! I'm trying not to let it drive me crazy because I know that in just a few weeks we will be up to our eyeballs in doctor visits, school, band, co-op, high school (Jacob), middle school (the twins), preschool (Vera)...LIFE! Because our lives have been so boring, there just hasn't been much going on to share.

But boring has been very good for Vera. I do think she feels safe here and with us. We try to add a few fun activities out of the house here and there, but I think I speak for all of us when I say...we're looking forward to normal living again! We broke up the monotony a little bit and took the kids to the pool on Saturday. Vera would not let Jon or me let go of her the whole time, but she did have fun! Can you tell?
We all had fun! We also got a glimpse into how much work Vera has ahead of her. Her core is very weak. Her little legs would either float up in front of her or behind her. Jon and I worked with her and showed her how to get and stay upright. We showed her how to kick, which really made her work. We didn't stay more than an hour, but by the time we left, Vera was exhausted and could hardly walk. The kids and I went to the pool again this afternoon and Vera did much better. She still wouldn't let me let go of her, but she was upright almost the whole time. We were there 2 hours and she's not as tired today as she was after an hour on Saturday. I cannot wait to get her in physical therapy!
Anyway...back to Vera feeling safe...some adopted kids try to get in other people's carts at the grocery store and go home with complete strangers. They just don't understand the concept of mommy, daddy, family. Vera doesn't do this. Some adopted kids think that women who bring meals over are Mama and they can go home and live with them. Vera hasn't done this. She hasn't called anyone Mama except for me...well except for one time in Ukraine when she called Corrie Mama. But she didn't know anything else to call her. If Vera does happen to call any of you Mama, please just tell her, "I'm not Mama. My name is ________." Hopefully if this happens, I'll be right there and you can point to me and say, "That is Mama."

Vera's rages are slowly diminishing. For this I can't even tell you how thankful I am. Just two weeks ago, when Jon or I told her 'no' she would cry. Sometimes a rage would follow, sometimes she would just scream and shake her head. NOW, if we tell her 'no' she (usually) just whines and says, "please" over and over in a really pitiful (annoying) voice. She'll whine and beg about whatever we said 'no' to. I have started making her look me in the eye and saying firmly, "Mommy said no." Seems to be working. With me anyway. I'm with Vera much more than Jon since he's back to work and I think she has finally learned that with me, her whining and begging get her nowhere. She definitely whines longer to Jon because she's very cute about it and he can't help but smile at her. I think his smiles give her false hope. But Jon and I agree that we'll take whining over raging ANY DAY!

Vera is also improving with following directions. She used to go into a rage if we asked her to do something that she didn't want to do. Now, when we ask her to do something she'll either do it, or she'll say 'no', giggle and then go do it. This isn't always the case, but it's becoming the norm. We do usually have to repeat our instruction several times (not because she doesn't understand, but because she's ornery!) and sometimes we have to physically move her in the right direction, but she'll almost always comply with what we've asked without a fight. Yay!

I was hoping to tell you that we've gone 5 days straight without a tantrum, but she had a few yesterday. Even in that though, there is such HUGE improvement! I can't call it raging anymore. She has graduated up to tantrum. Vera still cries and sometimes screams, but I can't remember the last time she threw something. Her crying isn't angry's sad and almost whiny. She usually calms down within a few minutes now instead of it taking 20, 40, 60 minutes or more. She still has a ways to go, but the difference in Vera over the past 4 weeks is really quite amazing. All the credit, praise and glory goes to God! I know several of you agreed to pray for us specifically in the weeks after we got home. God is listening and answering! Please continue to pray!! Some days the patience I have for Vera and the constant attention she requires just amazes me. I know it is not from me. Patient has never been a word that describes me.

Can you believe we've had her for 4 weeks? 4 weeks ago today we busted her out of the orphanage. 4 weeks ago today we traveled in a car with Vera for 7 hours to Kiev. It will forever be known as the car ride from you-know-where. For the first 5 hours everything was mostly good. We had to make a few unplanned potty breaks and we learned a very important Russian word...kahket. We knew the peezit word. Kahket was new. Vera panicked when we had no idea what she was saying. Thank the Lord for a Russian speaking driver who started laughing and said, "She needs bathroom." Jon and I argued with him since we had just had a peezit break not 5 minutes before. The driver chuckled and said, "No. She NEEDS bathroom!" Oh...kahket! After that the real fun began. It was after 10 pm and we knew Vera had to be exhausted. We were exhausted. We wanted her to go to sleep. We told her it was time for sleep.

She. Went. Bonkers.

Remember when I shared the Jack-Jack Attack clip (from The Incredibles) and said it was all I could think about in the car? Understanding came the next day when Jon and I saw how Vera falls asleep. She was trying to sway and jerk in the car. She was trying to self-soothe so she could fall asleep. Jon and I had never seen her do this, so we had no idea what she was doing. We just thought someone had flipped a switch and this was the new, not so improved Vera. We were trying to hold her and restrain her. Had we known how she falls asleep, the trip would have gone much better. As it was, Vera screamed (I mean SCREAMED) the last almost 2 hours of the drive. I don't even want to know what was going through our driver's mind.

We arrived at our apartment at around 1:30 am and lugged Vera and our luggage up 4 flights of stairs. We all fell in to bed around 2 and slept until 6. Our embassy appointment was supposedly at 8:30 am and our driver picked us up at 7:50. We arrived at the embassy to learn that our appointment was really at 2:00 pm. But they still took care of us. We began the paperwork for Vera's visa and then headed over to the clinic for her medical exam. We were waiting in the very crowded little hallway for Vera's turn to see the doctor when who should we see venturing their way toward us?
Yep! My lovely friend, Corrie and her new daughter Vika! I was SO hoping we would get to see them in Ukraine! I got my wish right before it was time to head home! Vera and Vika had their exams one right after the other, so we got to spend a bit of time together.
Vika had to have a chest X-ray done, so we all had a snack together while we waited for our paperwork. Vera remembered Vika, but we're not sure if Vika remembered Vera. We attempted a few photos of the 4 of us together. This was the best shot we got. It will have to do. After we received our medical paperwork, we all ended up riding back to our apartments together.

I have been praying about finding joy in any moment I can. I have been stuck in a string of negative thoughts and it's time to snap out of it. There has already been improvement in that area. Last Wednesday was a particularly bad day and I sent Jon an SOS email just after lunch and told him I was counting down the MINUTES until he got home. When Jon first went back to work and for many days after that, at around 9 in the morning I would start counting down the hours until he came home. I realized a few days ago that I'm not doing that as much anymore. These days, if I do start counting the hours until Jon's return I don't start until 3 or 4. And by then it's not long until he comes home! Woo hoo!! If you read Abbi's blog today you know that I'm not the only one who finds some of Vera's antics and behaviors annoying. Vera is definitely the hardest on Abbi and I. It's time to refocus our attention on the JOY Vera brings to our family. She brings more joy to us each day that she's with us. As her rages diminish and her behavior improves, as she learns what family is and how much we love her NO MATTER WHAT, the real Vera is beginning to shine through. As I watched Vera play and laugh with her siblings at the pool today, I had tears behind my eyes as I thought about where she would be if she were not here with us. I can't let my mind go there today. Today we are celebrating 4 weeks with Vera!

Vera is a domestic goddess. She loves to help with ANYTHING! Her favorite activities include throwing the dirty clothes into the washer and then from the washer to the dryer. She loves to help empty the dryer. I must admit that I share her enthusiasm about opening the dryer after each load is finished. After going without a dryer for almost 6 weeks, there is still nothing that compares to pulling out truly clean, SOFT clothes and towels. Vera also loves to sweep and help with the vacuuming. And if she sees me washing dishes without her...look out! I think her favorite job is putting the silverware away. She tries to do it whether the silverware is clean or dirty. She thinks it's quite something to watch Abbi clean toilets and can't wait until we let her try. Her fascination with water has me a little hesitant about letting her splash toilet water all over the bathroom. And believe me, she would. To see the joy that performing each of these chores brings to Vera...oh my. We take so many things for granted. Vera also loves to brush the pets. We're still working on gentleness though. She is getting better, but still has a ways to go. By the end of almost every day Vera is not allowed to touch the pets. Each day we start over and hope for the best.

We love Vera's smile and laugh. We love to hear her learning more English. Her little voice is precious, especially with her Russian accent. She does have a speech problem due to her CP, but the way she says the kids' and pets' names is too cute. I really can't wait until I can have a conversation with Vera. There are so many things I want to ask her. All in due time, I guess. Vera LOVES her siblings...oh, how she loves them. And I would be a mess without them. What a privilege it has been for me as a mom to see how loving and patient they are with Vera. And with me. Last Friday I woke up with a killer headache and then Vera had a LONG, loud tantrum as soon as she got up. She woke Abbi up and everything. By the time Jacob got up, I was recovering on the couch with a cup of coffee. I told him about Vera's early wake up and tantrum and my headache and how tired I was. Without a word, he got up, got the twins and all 3 of them took Vera into her room to play. And I laid down on the couch and thanked the Lord for my awesome big kids. I don't deserve them.

Well, I was going to tell you more, but this is already longer than I thought it would be. I will leave you with Vera's One Less video. I shared this 4 weeks ago on the day she officially became an Evans and she left the orphanage FOREVER. I am waiting in eager expectation about what God is going to do in the next 4 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo so happy for teh past 4 weeks and how far she has come! Truly amazing. You are doing a fantastic job of parenting her and helping her properly make the transition to a family! Will continue to pray that the next 4 weeks shows some big improvements (but totally know as you add activities she might get stressed and regress). Hold firm, she is going to fly!
