Sunday, July 17, 2011


I do have things to tell you. Good things and not so good things. I do have questions and need some advice from all you people who have adopted and are further along in this than we are. But for today, I will just say that God is good and He gave us what we needed most this weekend. Joy. We (mostly I) needed some joy with Vera this weekend. And God supplied it in abundance. And I am thankful for how He loves me.

Some very good friends of ours bought a sand table for Vera with the
intention of it being a water table since she loves water so much.
We broke it out this afternoon.
I haven't let Vera see the box for fear that she will insist we put sand in it.
I'm just not ready to mix sand and Vera.
Not yet.
Water is different.
Water is much easier to clean up.
Water I can handle right now.
While the boys worked in the yard, the girls played in water.
And we were joyful.
For three whole hours.
We laughed.
Vera adores Abbi.
But who wouldn't?
We laughed a lot.
Vera's laughter really is contagious.
If she is laughing, you can't help but laugh with her.
Someone once said that Vera's smile lights up the world.
And it does.
Who could not love this little face?
How could anyone think this precious one belongs in an institution?
It boggles our minds.
Both girls ended up dripping...literally...from head to toe.
Vera's legs were so tired from standing there for 3 hours,
she couldn't walk up the stairs to her room.
Jon had to help me change her clothes because
her legs couldn't hold her up anymore.
She played hard.
She laughed hard.
Joy personified.


  1. So glad you had a joyful day. Vera's smile certainly brightens the day. Can't wait to see you and we can compare notes and adventures.
    Love you,

  2. Melts my heart! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

  3. Makes me think of Jesus saying, "let the little children come to me" she is a beautiful little girl!

  4. So beautiful. I love her curls. He truly does turn our mourning into dancing.
