Saturday, July 2, 2011

They Need to Know

Okay, it's been a few days and I know you all want to hear about Wednesday when we busted Vera out of the orphanage. I promise I will tell you all about it and post pictures. Getting Vera out of there was good and hard and amazing and heartbreaking and joyous. I'm sure it was all of these things and more for Vera.

But today I must write about something else. I can't go back to Wednesday until I share this. This is one of those posts that I'm sitting here thinking, "Should I really share this? What if it scares people away from adopting?" I have prayed about it and all I'm hearing is, "They need to know." I am not going to mince words, so be prepared. I am not going to sugar coat it. My hope and prayer is that this post will move you to ACT. I also hope to hear from those of you who have been, there done can we help Vera through this? What worked for your child?


We had heard about it and read about it. Perhaps not enough. Vera was in a 'good' orphanage. Maybe I thought she wouldn't do it. I don't know. But I need to share this so you can picture it. I had heard about rocking and other behaviors orphans do to self-soothe. I guess I just didn't REALLY know what to expect.

So when you go to bed tonight I want you to lay on your back. Tilt your head back a little like someone is going to start CPR on you. Start swaying your head from right to left. Sway enough so that each of your ears touches the pillow and your shoulders lift up. As soon as we turn the light out, Vera starts doing this. It's immediate. She sucks the middle two fingers on her left hand. Then she'll stop sucking her fingers and start jerking her arms and kicking. I am in no way trying to be funny when I say it reminds me of the Elaine Dance from Seinfeld. I just watched this clip without sound (below) and this is it. Vera starts doing something very similar to this (while laying down) and her eyes roll back in her head.

Vera alternates between sucking her fingers and swaying her head and doing the above. The whole time, it's like Vera goes away. She gets an autistic look on her face. Two nights ago it took an hour and fifteen minutes for her to fall asleep. Last night it was a better night...only 45 minutes and less of the Elaine Dance. She does this routine at naptime too. Every time I watch her fall asleep, I cry. After the first time, I sobbed for an hour. It just breaks my heart to watch her go to another place. It breaks my heart to see Vera disappear. It breaks my heart.

Where does Vera go while she's self soothing? How many nights has she done this? How many more nights will she do it? Why didn't we come sooner? Vera didn't start walking until this past November...would Jon and I have come for her sooner knowing she couldn't walk? I don't have answers to these questions. Watching her fall asleep last night I thought about all the kids in her group. All the kids in her orphanage. All the orphans in this country and in Eastern Europe and the rest of the world. Do you know how many orphans there are? Depending on your source it's anywhere from 143,000,000 to 147,000,000. Did you catch all those zeros? How many of them fall asleep the way Vera does because no one is there to comfort them? No one is there to rock them or hold them close or rub their back or tell them they are loved. How did 'Allie' and 'Lisa' and Nice Girl fall asleep last night?

Friends, there are many more Vera's that need families. There are tens of millions of children putting themselves to sleep in similar ways because they're on their own. I am writing this to beg you to HELP! GET THESE KIDS OUT OF THE ORPHANAGES! Children do NOT belong in orphanages. There are so many ways you can do something to help. I know some of you will say you can't adopt and you have legitimate reasons. But that doesn't mean you can't help other families who are rescuing orphans. You can donate to their adoption funds and help them get their kids out of here. You can tell others to donate. You can advocate. I can tell you of at least 2 dozen families who are fundraising RIGHT NOW to come over here to rescue these kids. I never thought of Jon and I as rescuing Vera. We are not her saviors. Her life was not in danger...well, the institution would have killed her, but we will not get off the plane in Atlanta and head straight to the hospital like so many other families have done. She is not malnourished or dehydrated like so many other orphans here. But seeing how she falls asleep in her own little world has opened my eyes a little wider. This WAS a rescue mission. Vera has been rescued.

But what about all the others?

Now, to those of you who have always thought about those of you wondering if you those of you asking if now is the time...




Don't let these precious ones continue like this.

Adoption matters! Adopting one child makes a difference.

Let this post move you to ACT! If we can do this, anyone can. There is nothing special about Jon or I. Don't think that adoption is for other people, stronger people, better people, richer people. That's what I used to think. It's a lie. The enemy wants to keep people from adopting because adoption is ALWAYS God's plan. If you are afraid, if you are making excuses, tell God and listen for His response. Listen to His heart. Read His word. PRAY and seek HIS will. When you choose to adopt, God will teach you things that He can only teach you through the adoption process. Are you saying 'no' to adoption because you've prayed about it and God is saying 'no'? Because if you're saying 'no' for any other reason, shame on you! These kids need families.

And by the way, have I told you how much I love this little girl? Sometimes I look at her and it seems like I gave birth to her. Just one of those amazing adoption things, I suppose.

Next time I'll fill you in about busting Vera out. Since Wednesday we have had many good, amazing moments. A few hard ones too, but the joy Vera brings us is powerful. As much as I hate to watch her fall asleep, Vera wakes up with a smile and giggle no matter how much sleep she's had. She is blessing us much more than we are blessing her.

I hate to think that so many people are missing out on the blessing of adoption simply because of stupid excuses. I am begging you to reevaluate your reasons for saying 'no' to adoption. Having been here and seen what I've seen, I honestly can't think of one good reason for anyone not to adopt.

As Nike would say, JUST DO IT!


  1. Amy, Thank you so much for sharing this. Our son is in a good orphanage, too, but we can already tell he has self-soothing & self-protecting behaviors. We are on our way home from the first of 3 trips to adopt him. We can hardly wait fro the day that we get to bring him home.

    Kathy -

  2. I love your heart. Are you guys in Kiev now? We are still here and would love to meet up with you for dinner.

  3. Evidently the head "rocking" is common to self soothing. Alex still does this, although not quite as bad as in the beginning. The more frustrated, the worse it gets. He has rock n' rolled his entire body. He also threw the pillow off and slept without one.

    Our hearts were also broken the first time we saw it. And, it took over an hour for him that first night as well and longer on other nights. When we told our facilitator that it took over an hour, she said "that's good for orphanage kids."

    Tim read your blog the other day and he said that he remembers some of the same behaviors that you mentioned as well. They will get better.

    There is also something else he told me that I will share privately - it broke my heart also.

  4. Forgot to add - she is so beautiful laying there with her curls.

  5. Great post. Yes people do need to know. It is sad to watch this self soothing behavior. We have already seen it in Dariya when she gets tired she hums and rocks. I am sure it is to block out the other kids cries so they can go to sleep. She is beautiful and we are thankful you rescued her.

  6. Aaron thrashes back and forth in his bed each night STILL after 9 months. He also rocks on his feet when he standing - he cannot stand still. Both of these are comfort behaviors. When we put him to bed at night - he at first thrashed in a way that was sad and violent and it broke our hearts. After time though - his bedtime thrashing begins with Aaron alone in his room making happy sounds (with the back and forth in the bed), singing, talking, pretending.... He still thrashes but it is a happy thrashing. Often I will go in and look at him while he is sleeping. If he stirs - he will immediately begin to rock his head back and forth to put himself back into a deeper sleep.

    It is hard to see. It reminds me daily that HE WAS IN AN INSTITUTE FOR 6 YEARS. It makes me cry still to watch him display in his sleep 6 years of suffering.

  7. Congratulations on your sweet daughter! A wonderful post and admonition. Marcie has written about reflex therapy that her little one is doing exercises for with the same finger sucking and rocking behaviors:
    themceacherns. blogspot. com

  8. Thank you Amy for having such a heart for the orphan to share this.
    What a sweet picture of Vera. I didn't realize she had such beautiful curls. They always had it up.
    Elyse did rock back and forth like being on a rocking horse when she just sat sometimes. I noticed she'd do it when she was nervous or unsure of what was going on. I'd go over and hold her when I saw it. She doesn't do it anymore.
    Your title is great. "They need to Know". That is for sure. Thank you for being such an advocate for the orphan!

  9. Amy- thanks so much for sharing your experience! There will be children rescued because of your courage to share! I just wanted to let you know that we have started the process, and can't wait to see where God leads us! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We will be praying you home!

  10. Its hard to watch, but know it will get better. She will begin to know that she can have comfort at bedtime. I posted to you in the group about Alina's soothing. I'm praying for you!

  11. Amy, I'll email you in the next couple days about rocking, sucking, reflex therapy, etc. Vera looks so beautiful asleep. Congrats on busting her out of there!

  12. Amy, THANK YOU for your heart!! You are right the evil one desires to steal, kill and destroy. It's amazing that we don't think about the possibilities of these children. We forget one of them could find the cure for cancer or be the next Billy Graham or Gladys Aylward. I pray we are able to support/participate with you all in the raising of Vera in whatever way God leads!!

    Until they all come home and until we all go to our REAL home - heaven bound.


  13. Awww You made me cry! We have been home with Judd for only about 5 weeks... He doesn`t do that at bedtime and never did... But he did do some other things that scared me and made me cry too :( ... It is VERY hard and sad... I`m sending you BIG OL Hugs... And I say, Tell it like it is!!!!
