Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More thoughts on Education

Well, the post I wrote about yesterday concerning the purpose of education is still an ongoing discussion on one of the Yahoo groups I'm a member of. It is a homeschool group and here are some thoughts from others that helped me articulate my own thoughts on the subject of our children being salt and light in public schools. I hear this argument a lot from friends trying to decide how to educate their children (public, private, home, etc.) and also from teachers and public school employees.

"Just a little tidbit - Very early on in our homeschooling experience we attended a convention where Greg Harris was speaking and his take on this is that our children ARE (emphasis Greg's) the mission field, and we as Christian parents are the missionaries." Judy

"I totally agree, our children are currently our mission field. And we as parents need to be equipping our children to be a witness in the world. But I do not believe that they are at all ready for this in elementary school. I heard a statistic recently that 87% of children from Christian homes leave the church during their college years. This speaks volumes about how we as parents (in general) and the modern American church are so lacking in equipping our children to stay firm in their faith. If that many college age kids have trouble maintaining their faith against the onslaught of college, how much more our little ones in public school." Beth

"I believe that until my children accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they are lost. So, I cannot have them as ministers of something that they are not even doing themselves. My children are my mission field. If my children step away from Jesus, what am I doing with other children? Their influence is effected by the adults and children around them. Putting my children in public school to be a missionary, I believe that I would be sending the blind to lead the blind as a wise man put it." Karen

"That was one of my answers to people that asked me why I didn't want my children to be "lights to the world". I said they couldn't be lights to the world until they were on fire themselves." Cara

Well put, ladies!

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