Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter 2009

Last weekend was Easter and what a busy weekend it was! On Saturday our church hosted an Easter Egg Hunt and we had to be there EARLY to help.
The kids started by spreading out all the eggs (5,000 of them) in 3 designated areas - 0 - 3, 4 - 7 and 8 up.
Above - Caleb with his friend, Noah and Noah's puppy, Molly.
Above - Abbi and Jenna
Below - Abbi and Olivia
Pre-Hunt prayer
Above - Jan and I helped at the registration table. We registered over 160 families (not including church members)!
Above - the twins checking out their stash!
Above - Easter day - we had gorgeous weather! After church, we had lunch at the home of some new, wonderful friends, the Webb's. I don't know how many people were there, but it was alot! Everything was great and we had so much fun! We are so thankful for our new church and new friends!
Easter evening, we went to the Barr's for our small group gathering and the kids did another egg hunt in their yard. Above - Abbi and Olivia race for the eggs...well, Olivia did anyway!Amelia got to hang out on her blanket in the grass while the big kids did their egg hunt. This is the baby I watch 3 days a week...isn't she darling?!

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