Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lego Club

Today, Jacob went to his first-ever Lego Club Meeting at the Lego Store. After each of the kids got their new R2-D2 T-shirt and nametag, they split up into teams of 5... There were 4 bundled up sheets on the floor and each team was assigned a sheet. Inside the sheets were piles of Star Wars Legos. Each team was given the assignment of building a Star Wars vehicle.
The kids were so anxious to get building...
But the guide made them wait until everyone was ready to begin.He said 'don't start building yet! Hands up!'Finally, they were given the "build" signal!

Jacob's team set to work...they each began building a different section of their vehicle.
The guide went around and coached the kids and gave them some ideas on how to put their end product together.
Above - 1 more minute! Putting the finishing touches on!
And here is Jacob's team's final product!
Above - all the vehicles...And one more shot of Jacob's team's vehicle.

It was by far the awesome-est one!

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