Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dear Vera

Dear Vera,

I wish I could tell you how excited we are to meet you! Our journey to you has been a long, windy one full of surprises around every corner. One day, when you're older and you know English, I'll tell you the story of how God brought you to us. It's really quite a story. There are many people who love you and have been fighting for you for a very long time. They are all quite excited to meet you one day. But no one is more excited than us!

Our dossier (which is just a big fancy word for paperwork) arrived in your country on Monday and is being translated into your language as I type. We hope to be submitted next Thursday and then we'll wait to hear when we get to come meet you. Daddy and I are SO EXCITED for that day to arrive! We've seen lots of pictures of you and even a video. We know what you look like and that you're walking all by yourself. We are so proud of you, Vera.

You have 2 older brothers and 1 older sister. Your sister, Abbi, has never been an older sister before, and she is very excited to fill that role for you. Your brothers are Jacob and Caleb, and they are both pros at being older brothers. I know you will not have any trouble with them. And from what I saw in the video of you, I have a feeling you'll whip them into shape in no time. Jacob is almost 14 and will start high school next fall. Caleb and Abbi are twins. They are 11 years old and are finishing up 5th grade. You will join our homeschool this fall and we will have a splendid time! We already have a shelf for you with lots of books that we can't wait to read to you.

We have a dog named Toby and a cat named Phoebe. Toby is very sweet and laid back. Though he may knock you over if he gets excited. We'll try to keep that from happening though. Toby loves kids, especially giving kids kisses. Have you ever been kissed by a dog? Daddy and I think it's icky, but you may like it and think it's funny. Whenever we ask Toby if he's excited to meet you, he wiggles and growls. Toby is kinda weird in that regard. When he's happy and excited, he growls. But it's cute and we love him. Phoebe, the cat is mostly Abbi's, but she sure does enjoy your bed. A lot. Don't be surprised to find cat hair all over your bed.

We are all ready for you...well, as ready as we know to be. We still need to find a stroller that you'll fit in, but your room is all ready. We hope you like it. Jacob, Caleb and Abbi helped me get it ready for you.

Well, sweet girl, I will close for now. Know that we think about you and pray for you every day. There are many, many people looking forward to your homecoming!



  1. What a beautiful letter to such a precious girl. I know we can't possibly be as excited as you guys, but I'm pretty darn excited and cannot wait to see her with my own eyes. Not too much longer!


  2. A letter that she will treasure.
