Thursday, January 7, 2010

Leanna - The Journey Begins

If you haven't read the next blog entry down, introducing you to our new friend, you should start with that one...

It’s been an interesting few weeks, to say the least. Some of you may not know that back in late September Jon and I were considering becoming foster parents. I really thought the Lord was leading us there. I had signed us up to go to an informational meeting with Bethany Services about foster care. But after many weeks of praying and seeking, Jon still had no desire what-so-ever to foster. Not one inkling in him felt like we were supposed to go there. Lord, speak to Jon. Lead him. What interested him a little more was adopting a child from the foster care system. Well, that was MY end goal anyway (I’ve been wanting to adopt for years, but the Lord has never opened that door…) so I was quite excited that Jon was excited about this prospect. I was thinking about calling Bethany Services and telling them our desire had changed from foster care to adopting an older foster child when I got an email from them confirming my reservation for the Foster Care/Older Child Adoption Orientation. So I thought, ‘God already knew we’d be headed there and took care of that one for us!’ We went to the meeting and learned some sad facts…there are over 500,000 children in foster care in the US and over 125,000 are waiting to be adopted. 125,000 adoptable kids. Right here in the United States. 125,000 children. Waiting for a family who will love them forever. I had no idea the number was so high. We also learned that when you adopt from foster care the State pays/waives the fees (one of Jon’s biggest hang-ups with the whole thing is the money…I’m sure you’ve all heard how expensive it is to adopt) so I thought, “Surely this little tidbit will push Jon over the edge and he’ll jump right in. No problem.” Well, that didn’t quite seal the deal for him. Lord, help me be patient. We also learned that all children in the foster care system ages 8 & up are considered ‘Special Needs.’ Which means you also get money each month from the State until they turn 18. Over $300 a month. That was a surprise to both of us. I REALLY thought that would be all Jon needed to hear and we’d begin the training classes right after Christmas. Well, my ways are not God’s ways. How many times must He remind me of that? After we attended the meeting at Bethany, I started an email to several friends and family with an update. I hit a writing block and my fingers quit typing. I sat in front of my computer for several days waiting for the words to come…they never did. I still have the draft of the first part of it saved. It was never to come to completion… Lord, I don’t understand.

So, while all of this was going on our friends, Mark and Katie, decided to host Leanna through New Horizons. The Sunday that Mark told me I was VERY excited for them. For Leanna. I remember telling Jon on the way home that day, “I want her, Jon. I don’t even know her yet, but I want her.” At that point it was more a wistful thought than anything serious. I knew Jon would NEVER agree to a long, expensive, international adoption. But Lord, I really do want her. Then Katie asked if I would be one of their prayer partners through their hosting journey. Because of that, the Pierce family was on my mind a lot over the next several weeks. Actually, it was because of the Pierces hosting Leanna that Jon and I realized we wouldn’t mind adopting an older child. We were originally thinking about a younger one…not a baby, but maybe 5 or 6 years old. A child old enough that they were self-sufficient (no diapers) but that we could still ‘mold’ and have an influence on. But the more I prayed for Leanna, the more I thought, ‘If I am open to adopting her, why wouldn’t I adopt an older child right here in the US?’ So, that was the primary thought that led us to the meeting at Bethany.

So, the day of Leanna’s arrival came. December 13th (well, technically the 14th). I told Jon I was thinking about going to the airport to help welcome Leanna to America. To my surprise (because her flight wasn’t due to land until 12:30 AM and the next day was Monday and I knew Jon was in for a long day at work), Jon said, “why don’t we all go?” Lord, what are You doing? So, we all took naps after church so we’d be rested. You can read about her arrival below. One thing I will say again is that that whole week, Leanna and the Pierce family were constantly on my mind. I thought about them when my eyes opened each morning and as my head hit the pillow each night. And most minutes in between. And I prayed. That everything was going well. That they were able to communicate. That Leanna was getting along with Ellie and Preston (Mark and Katie's children). That she was enjoying her stay. That she would find her forever family. And secretly, that if it was God’s will, that WE would be her forever family. That she would be mine. Lord, I want her. Jon came home every night that week and the first question he’d ask was if I’d heard anything from Katie. How was it going? His thoughts were also consumed with Leanna. Lord, do I dare hope for her? Finally, as the week came to an end, I asked Katie for an update and we made a lunch date for Sunday after church. That’s all in the blog entry too. What I left out was the conversation on the way home from our lunch date. “I want her, Jon.” Nervous smile from Jon…Lord, please cause Jon to want her, too. That week I had conversations with the kids individually and corporately, about how they would feel if we were to adopt. The questions were very general at first and then I worked my around to Leanna specifically. They all decided it would be good to adopt a girl so Abbi could have a sister. They all liked the idea of adopting Leanna. Thank you, Lord.

BUT…I didn’t know what Mark and Katie were thinking and feeling. Before Leanna came, I had asked Mark about them adopting her and he said he was fully prepared to do so if that’s where God led. So after getting to know her a little bit, what were they thinking? Did they want her? Were their hearts being pulled to adopt Leanna? Was God leading them to adopt her? The next Sunday at church (the Sunday after Christmas) I casually asked Katie about that. Were they thinking about adopting her? That’s really Katie’s story to tell. I’ll just say that she said she wasn’t feeling it. Lord, I am so relieved. Thank you. I felt really bad afterwards because Katie cried and it obviously grieved her that she wasn’t feeling it. She knows Leanna deserves a forever family. We had Jon’s parents with us that day and just like all our meal conversations had lately, the lunch-time discussion turned to Leanna. Jon’s parents had no idea we were thinking about adopting Leanna (mostly because Jon just wasn’t ‘there’ yet). His mom made a comment about Leanna resembling me and how “I could be her mother.” Lord? Are You telling me something? She’s not the only one who commented on Leanna resembling me. Jon said he just knew Mark and Katie would end up adopting her and I said, “I don’t know,” and relayed Katie’s words about not having a peace about it. Is she mine, Lord? Jon’s reply was, “Oh no…you know what that means!” While his poor mother is looking at us not having a clue what he’s talking about. Yes, I know what that means! Katie’s not feeling it because she’s OURS! He followed that with a joking, “Let’s just do it…we have the back bedroom almost cleaned out anyway.” (We had begun cleaning it out for our foster child.) My answer was, “Don’t tease me, Jon. You know I’ve wanted her from the beginning.” We then had a more serious talk about it and Jon shared that he was worried that it would just be awkward for us to adopt her after she’s spent all this time with the Pierces. What if she wants THEM to be her family and we adopt her and then she still sees the Pierces every week at church. I reminded him that it’s not like she’d go straight from their house to ours…she has to go back to Russia and it would take months before we could bring her home. I really don’t think it would be awkward. PLUS, we can (and plan to) host Leanna this summer through New Horizons.

Okay, I know this is long and I’m trying to wrap it up. We had the Pierces over for dinner last Thursday so we could talk about some of the above concerns. Through that it became obvious (to me, anyway) that above all, we each want God’s will and also for Leanna to have a forever family. Whether that’s the Evans family or the Pierce family or any other family. Please Lord, let it be OUR family. After dinner we went to Katie’s mom’s house to celebrate the New Year and had a wonderful time. We all got to know Leanna a little better…the adjective we’ve come to use for her is ‘spunky.’ My desire to keep her just continues to grow. On our way home that night Jon asked the kids, now that they had gotten to know Leanna a little better, if they still felt okay about her possibly becoming their sister. Jon received a unanimous YES! But he still wasn’t ‘there’ yet. Please Lord, tell Jon she’s ours. He told Katie that night that he wasn’t anywhere near being able to commit to adopting her. Lord, help me be patient. Well, the next day Katie brought the kids over for a little while to play. Jon and I asked Katie many more questions about Leanna. They left and we headed out to dinner. We were sitting there waiting for our food and then this odd expression came over Jon’s face. Are You talking to him, Lord? I asked him what was wrong and he said, 'I'm suddenly feeling very comfortable with this whole thing.' I said, 'You mean the adoption thing in general or one particular person?' He said, 'all of it. Her.' THANK YOU, FATHER! So we discussed it just a little over dinner. The next day, Katie asked me if she could let New Horizons know we were thinking about adopting Leanna in her weekly report. I went upstairs to ask Jon knowing this was really going to freak him out. Give me the words, Lord. Be with me if he says ‘no.’ So I told him that Katie has to answer this question every week and we could pray about it more this week before giving an answer. But, to my utter amazement and delight, he said “yes” Katie could tell them we’re thinking about it. Then he said, “Oh by the way, I just ordered a Learn to Speak Russian program for us.” Lord, is this really happening? THANK YOU!

So, knowing all of this, Katie is graciously sharing Leanna with us so we can get to know her better and vice versa. We’ll be spending as much time with her as we can before her departure on the 14th. Leanna has taken over 300 pictures since her arrival and needed a little coaching in scrapbooking them. She received lots of scrapbooking goodies for Christmas and was very anxious to get started. Katie is not a scrapbooker but knew I was so we arranged for Leanna to come home with last Sunday after church so I could help her. She didn’t need (or should I say ‘want’) much assistance with her scrapbooks and soon we were elbow deep in photos and cardstock. We spent a very fun afternoon with Leanna and the time went WAY too fast. We met the Pierces for dinner last night and on the way home, Jon asked me what the first step is to adopt Leanna. Lord, I am overwhelmed. You have been so faithful. You have answered my requests so quickly.

It’s very difficult to verbalize what I’m feeling. My heart overflows. God has shown Himself so amazingly just since Thursday. Only He could’ve moved Jon from being nowhere near ready to adopt Leanna to him giving permission to tell New Horizons we’re thinking about it. In just two days. I’ve cried myself to sleep several nights at the thought of her returning to Russia. One of those nights, my crying turned into praying. I prayed like never before and experienced the most amazing thing. God was there. I don’t mean just there…He was almost tangible. Even during my depression when I was on my knees every single day crying out to God I did not experience Him like I did a few nights ago. I’ve never felt like I could reach out and touch Him until that night. I’ve kept most of my thoughts and feelings (and tears) between me and God, mostly so Jon wouldn’t feel pressured. I don’t want him to agree to this just because I want it so desperately. I’ve been praying, begging and pleading with the Lord to move in Jon and stir his heart towards Leanna. If it is His will. I had to surrender to that a few days ago. Above all, I want what God wants…God, help me want what You want.

And yet…I know Leanna is mine. I know it like I know that Jacob, Caleb and Abbi are mine. So how am I supposed to let her return to Russia? What am I supposed to do this year (or however long it takes) until I can go there and bring her home? I found a blog the other day of someone who began the process to adopt from Russia at this time last year and their first (of 2 or 3) trip to Russia wasn’t until November. How am I supposed to wait that long? Or longer? I am filled with excitement and sorrow all in one. And how long do I have to wait to tell Leanna we are hers and she is ours? I’ve looked at her several times over the past few days and thought, “this is my girl.” How do I let her go? I am in such agony. The pain is unbelievable considering I just met her 3 weeks ago.

Not to mention, where in the world will the money come from? The average cost to adopt from Russia is $35,000 and I don’t believe that includes the travel expenses. Which will be 2 or 3 trips to Russia. And it looks like Russia will determine our court dates…what if Jon has a business trip scheduled at the same time? Or it gets scheduled at the end of the month, when his boss never allows him to be gone? Or what if he can’t stay as long as necessary to complete everything? What if, what if, what if?

I know some of our friends and family will think we’re crazy. I know many will ask us why we don’t just adopt from foster care like we originally planned. I’ve asked myself that same question over and over. Doing it that way is FREE afterall and we wouldn’t have to ask people to help us financially. I know. I know. This makes no sense. And yet…it makes complete sense.

Well, I’ve been working on this off and on all day. If you’ve read this whole thing, you’re a true friend.

I’ll close with part of our dinner conversation the other night…
Jon – “So, we need to find out how to get the process started.”
Me – “Really? Are you sure?”
Jon – “Yes.”
Me – “Do you feel like Leanna is yours?”
Jon – hesitates “Yes. But that leads to uncomfortable thoughts. I feel responsible for her now. And I have to let her return to Russia and I won’t be there to protect her and care for her. How am I supposed to deal with that?” Welcome to my world…

And so it begins.

Jon has been giving the kids Russian lessons each night before bed.


  1. I am trying to type this with tears in my eyes-not an easy task! When I read your post about Leanna comming a few weeks ago, my first thought was-THEY ARE GOING TO ADOPT HER! But then I thought, no, their friends will adopt and that will open the door. But once again, God is smarter than me! Don't sweat the small stuff, if this is God's will he will provide the perfect time for the court date and the trips etc. I will say that the 35K for us included the travel-so that should help! Congrats! I am so happy for you!

  2. Wow, Amy! What an amazing story! And how incredible how God has worked through this whole experience!! And, boy, does Leanna ever favor you! I'll be praying for you for peace and wisdom and strength!

    Oh, and btw, so weird you know a Mark and Katie Pierce! As you know, I go by Katy also, husband is Mark! :)

  3. Wow, what an amazing story! I hope you will be reunited soon. I'll be praying and waiting for updates. That's so exciting (and difficult) at the same time. I, too, have thought about adoption. Sometimes seems crazy with 4 small children of my own. We've known several families now that have adopted, but I never would have thought of it before, either. Congrats!

  4. Gaylin, several friends of ours have since told us they just KNEW we would end up adopting Leanna. I wish they had clued us in sooner!

    Kathleen, I know 3 couples that are Mark & Katy Pierce!

    Bekah (and everyone), thank you for your prayers. We will keep everyone posted with our progress.

  5. Another example of God's timing. I have felt the desire to foster or adopt children as well. The desire is not currently shared in our house. We have actually discussed the possibility as a family, current vote 2 yes, 2 no.
    I keep saying that is it is meant to be, then God will show me how.
    We will be praying for you, and looking for updates.
