Wednesday, October 28, 2009

God's Artwork

If you read my stampin' blog, you know that I was in Chattanooga, TN last Saturday. The drive home down I-75 was SO GORGEOUS! There were many times I wished we could have pulled over so I could take pictures. On our drive to church on Sunday I was in the same predicament. The Autumn colors are so beautiful right now and I wished I had had my camera. So I told myself I needed to keep my camera in the van from now on. This week has been pretty busy, as usual, but I wrote on my schedule that we were going to the park today to take pictures before all the leaves are gone. I was a bit worried yesterday when I woke up to rain. It rained all day yesterday and was still raining when I went to bed last night. I lamented to the Lord before falling asleep and basically whined to Him and said, "Lo-o-ord, You knew I was planning to go to the park to take pictures tomorrow. And You knew Wednesday was the only day I could do it. Why did You have to make it rain today of all days? What if the rain washes all the leaves off and I'm too late?" Well, I should know by now that I can trust Him with little things like wanting to enjoy His wonderful creation. I awoke this morning to sunshine and guess what...the leaves are still on the trees. If anything, they're more beautiful today than they were on Saturday. I decided God must've wanted to give them a bath before being photographed. He always thinks of those details, doesn't He?
Abbi had an orthodontic appointment this morning and I was sure to take my camera with me. We made several stops on the way home...some were planned, others were little detours so I could take pictures. The first photo was one of was in a grocery store parking lot, but it's so pretty! I think the second one was in the same parking lot. I love the trees that have so many different shades in them. Green, yellow, orange, red...beautiful!
This gorgeous tree was in the post office parking lot. Now do you see why I'm keeping my camera with me everywhere I go?
The red trees above were in the gas station parking lot. I just sat and stared at them while my gas tank filled up.
On our way to the park, I saw these trees and slammed on my brakes. A little whip-lash never hurt anyone, right?
We were at a stop light when I took the above photo. I just rolled down my window and snapped my camera before the light turned green. I think these are my favorite Fall tree. They look like they're on fire. Especially when you drive down a street that's lined with them. Simply stunning!
Okay, now we're at the park. I took over 70 pictures today and told myself on the way home that I'd only share my favorites. You have no idea how hard it was to narrow them down. But, it's not like I'm forcing you to sit and look at my pictures. I hope you will, though. You won't be disappointed.
I love the reflection on the pond.
I was so enjoying taking pictures and admiring all the different colors when, just because He could, God caused this Crane to fly into my picture (above). What a fun surprise! Do you see it?
We also got to see many critters...chipmunks, turtles, lots of grasshoppers and bugs. But the most impressive was this snake we came upon. He slithered across the path while we all stood and watched. Pretty cool!
I took the above photo by looking straight up. Gorgeous!

Genesis 1:11 & 12 "Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good."

Good indeed!


  1. Beautiful pics Amy! I tried really hard to make it to the park today but we ended up doing a bike ride around our neighborhood instead. It was a gorgeous day and your pics make me miss the park! Maybe we'll go tomorrow.

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Amy. I am choosing to be content! The trees are gorgeous. God is so good to paint the trees different colors. Wish He would dab His perfect paint brush on our trees too. It was so good catching up with you tonight. :0)

  3. Thank you for sharing those beautiful colors. All we had in TX this year was BROWN.

  4. I agree with you. God is a wonderful artist. We went to Lake Lanier recently and I took a lot of pics too.

    We still have not been to Mulberry, we will have to go one day - it looks beautiful.
