Friday, November 13, 2009

The Twins Golden Birthday

We celebrated the twins Golden Birthday on Tuesday. They turned 10 on the 10th. As is our tradition, we started the day with Caleb and Abbi making their own birthday cake. I don't know when or why this tradition started, but the kids love making their own cake every year! And since I don't have to do anything, I get to take pictures! It's a win-win!
While the twins slaved over their cake, Jacob had a snack and did some reading for school.
There's nothing better than licking the beaters...
Except maybe licking the bowl!
Jacob got to lick the spoon!
After lunch, we headed to co-op. The twins were hoping to get out of school for the day, but we've never had that tradition...yet they ask every year. We do make it a light day of school, but there is still a schedule to maintain. I got some cute pictures of Abbi with her friends Bethany and Bailey at co-op. Abbi and Bethany have been best friends pretty much since the day they met almost 5 years ago. I saw these shirts at Kohl's last week...they were on sale and were just too cute to pass up! I think Bethany liked her shirt...and agreed with what it says, "My Best Friend Rocks".
As soon as we got home from co-op, the kids frosted the cake. You can tell we didn't waste a moment...Caleb still has raindrops on his shirt.
Another tradition we have is that the birthday child gets to choose where we eat dinner. After much discussion and debate, the twins agreed on Shogun Japanese Restaurant.
Shogun has super-delicious Hibachi dinners. We don't eat here often because it is a bit pricey, but we had a great coupon and it sure sounded good! Above, you can see we had chicken, lobster, shrimp, New York Strip, Filet Mignon, not mention vegetables, soup, salad, and the best fried rice around.
Below - the onion volcano
After our meal, our servers came and put these beautiful hats on the twins and sang to them. We came home stuffed from our yummy Shogun dinner to open presents and have we had any room in our bellies for cake. Toby, as usual, was in the middle of it all. I wanted to take a nice picture of him but there's such a delay on my camera, this is what I got. If you knew Toby, you'd know this is typical.
Then Phoebe came in wanting to play in the wrapping paper and ribbons. I thought since I got a picture of Toby, I might as well take one of her too. Now what are the odds that THIS is the photo I would get of her?! If any of you have ever seen Jacob when he does his laugh-so-hard-he-falls-over laugh, picture that when I showed him the shots I got of our pets. We all laughed hysterically. I know...we're easily amused.
And then...CAKE TIME! I can't believe anyone had room for cake. I certainly did not!


  1. What a neat tradition! It looks like they had a really special day!

    We often do Sho-Gun for birthdays too. It looks like you did the Buford one?? For future reference, the one in FB gives free dinners for birthdays, plus they give you a bunch of goodies to take with you.

  2. The big 1-0. That was tough for me with Austin...never again a single digit number. :-( time goes so quickly.

    We have the same tradition of the child picking what to eat. Matthew is still trying to decide.

    Great family pic by the way! Oh, and Happy Birthday to them both again!
