Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jacob's Story Starter

You must be wondering why I haven't yet posted Jacob's Story Starter. We had Justin & Tonya with us for a week and Jacob just now finished his final draft. Since it's been awhile, let me remind you how the story started...a father and child go fishing. The father catches a trout. As he's reeling it in, a fish hawk comes out of nowhere, grabs the trout and flies off taking the father's fishing rod with it. The next Saturday, the two head fishing again but this time they take their dog, Chipper, along.

Here's Jacob ending...

When we arrived at my dad’s favorite fishing spot, Chipper (unfortunately) saw a goose. He leaped into the water and tried to grab the goose, but the goose was too quick for him and flew away before Chipper was even in the water. When Chipper got out of the water, he shook it off and right onto us and our supplies. We both laughed, but also realized we would have to pick a new fishing spot since Chipper scared all of the fish away. So we got our supplies together again and set off for a new fishing spot. After about twenty minutes of walking, we found a good fishing spot. We got our fishing poles ready and threw our lines in the water. “I think I caught something,” I yelled. “Great! Reel it in,” Dad said. “I can’t, it’s stuck,” I shouted. Just then we heard a splash. When we looked to see what made the splash, we saw Chipper in the water. At first we didn’t know why he jumped in, but then we saw it. A remote controlled boat was skimming along the surface of the water. Chipper loved to chase anything that moved by itself and was small enough to fit in his mouth. He chased after the boat, but right when he was about to grab it in his mouth, the boat put on a burst of speed, leaving Chipper behind. This, of course, scared all the fish away. By now it was lunch time and we were starving, so I went to get the lunch we packed, but I couldn’t find it. So I asked Dad where he put the lunch. “It should be in bag,” Dad said. So I double checked. I still couldn’t find it. Then, for some reason, I looked where Chipper had been lying while we were fishing, and I saw what remained of our lunch. A half eaten sandwich, a torn bag of chips, and two broken cans of Sprite. “Dad, Chipper ate our lunch,” I exclaimed. “Well, I guess it’s time to go,” said dad, disappointed that we didn’t catch anything. We packed everything up and left. On the way to the car we passed some woods. We saw a rabbit, and so did Chipper. Before we could stop him, Chipper dashed into the woods. By the time we caught up to him, we had gone a long way. Then, to our horror, we realized that we were lost! “Well, at least I have a compass,” Dad said.

Yes, Jacob meant to leave us on a cliff-hanger. I hope you enjoyed the kids' stories!

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