Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Meetings and Reunions

A few weeks ago I had my very first weekend away since coming home with Vera last July. My good friend, Laura, and I drove up to SC for a homeschool conference. Laura came home on Saturday after the conference ended, but I stayed an extra night just to be alone for awhile. It was truly glorious. How I needed that break!

One of the highlights of my weekend was getting to meet my precious friend. Julia is also a Reece's Rainbow mom. Her son actually started out at Vera's baby home, but was sadly transferred to hell on earth. A mental institution. Even though he has no mental problems.

It was a blessing to meet Julia and spend at least an hour each day with her at her Biblioplan booth. I loved purchasing my Biblioplan curriculum from her personally! Julia is a treasure...the real deal. Her love and compassion for the children left behind is palpable. Her heart for orphans is ginormous. She is one of my heroes!
While I was gone, I found out that the 2 families who were with us in Ukraine were planning a little reunion the following weekend in Alabama. I told Jon I REEEEAAAALLLYYY wanted to go. It was only a 5 hour drive. And to my delight he said, "Yes! Let's do it!" Oh...I can't even describe my excitement. It ended up that 4 families who have adopted from Vera's baby home and 1 in the process were able to meet up. Our together time was spent at the hotel pool. And it was REALLY hot in there! But...we survived. The adults visited while the children swam.

I wish I could put into words what it's like to spend time with people who get it. I know a lot of people who have lost friends, even best friends, after adopting because 'normal' parents just can't understand what our lives are like. This road can sometimes be very lonely and isolating and we're often misunderstood. It's a relief to spend time, however brief, with people who are on the same journey. A year ago, I never would've dreamed that I would have the kind of conversations that are a regular part of my life now.

How I LOVE these women!
Me, Renee (holding her sweet Emma...home just 4 weeks), Michelle, Missy and Kim.
Kim and Missy were in Ukraine with us. We saw Missy and her family in Indiana in November, but hadn't seen Kim's family since Ukraine. It was a bit surreal to be home, with all of our kids, together, in Alabama. Who would've thunk?!

That weekend, I found out that Renee was going to be meeting Catherine near Atlanta and I had to invite myself along. Catherine came home with 2 sweeties while we were still in Ukraine. One of her little ones went straight to the hospital...she was so malnourished. But you would never know it now...she's quite a little chunky monkey! It was SO FUN having dinner with these families at The Mellow Mushroom.
Me, Renee (holding Emma), Catherine (holding Francesca and Victoria), Isabella and Anastasia.
Renee is becoming a very good friend, confidant and mentor. Most of you know her name from her comments here and on Facebook. She is the one I quoted in my previous post. Renee is a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise and she is SO WILLING to share with and teach those of us who are stumbling along on this adoption journey. Jon and I are so thankful for her. She has predicted lots of Vera's...issues...and given us valuable advice. Many of us who know Renee wish we could clone her and have her come live with us and tell us what we're doing right/wrong and why our child is doing this or that.
Above - the Mellow Mushroom group
Thankfully it was a Monday night and was not too busy.
The kids got a the evening continued.
Above - Vera and Renee's Emma

I have a long list of adoptive mommas that I hope to meet someday.
I'm so thankful that the list is a little shorter now.


  1. So many of my favorite people in one place. So. Very. Jealous.

  2. aw you're so sweet!!!! I LOVED meeting you guys and Emma says "Hi Vera Privyet" and a whole bunch of something in Russian that I don't know how to type lol...

  3. So glad you were able to meet everyone, and have the weekend away. I am sure that God knew you needed it.
