Friday, December 12, 2008

The Great Northwest - Part 3

Finally! I'm just a tad behind in blogging, but before I do our Fall activities, I have to finish telling about our trip to the Northwest back in August. Our 3rd and final stop was to Mom & Dave's house on Whidbey Island. We took this funky little ferry from Port Townsend to Whidbey.
We had a wonderfully relaxing time visiting with Mom & Dave.Quite a few rounds of crouquet were played...
And the kids LOVED playing and cuddling with Pennie.
Here's one of the gorgeous views Mom and Dave have from their home. You can see the outline of Mt. Rainier and if you look hard enough, you can barely see the skyscrapers of Seattle to the lower right of the mountain. Mt. Rainier is an awesome sight!
We spent one of our afternoons at Fort Casey. Above, the kids are standing by one of the 'disappearing guns.' They were pretty neat. Below, the boys in one of the 'lookout' towers. They weren't quite tall enough to be able to see out. Caleb is actually standing on a pole in there and Jacob is on his tippy-toes.
After touring the fort and a yummy picnic lunch, we headed down to the beach. The kids found several forts that someone had made out of driftwood. They were very cool!
And after spending time with Dad on his beach, Jon was on the hunt for heart-shaped rocks. Check out these beauties!
One of the main reasons we planned our trip when we did was so that we could attend the 90th birthday party of my grandma (Nanny.)
About 20 of her friends came to Whidbey Island to help her celebrate.
Above - 4 generations of women!
Me with my handsome husband!
On our last day and night, we helped take care of a dog for some friends of Mom & Dave. Maggie is the cutest Cocker Spaniel ever and the kids had alot of fun with her. Here she is sleeping amongst the kids' sleeping bags and blankets. She made herself right at home!
Thanks for a super vist! We love you!

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