Thursday, December 18, 2008

Books! Books! Books!

The twins recently discovered the non-fiction books in the kids section of our library. We usually have between 60 and 80 books checked out at a time. 1 or 2 them are Jacob's, 3 or 4 are mine, 6 to 8 are for school and the rest are Caleb and Abbi's...mostly Abbi's. Abbi devours books. Which is good and's getting harder and harder to find appropriate books for her.
If the kids are up before me, this is how I can typically find Caleb and Abbi. Jacob is either still in bed or building Legos.
I am so glad the kids all enjoy reading. Abbi taught herself to read when she was 5, and I'm not kidding. I had nothing to do with teaching her to read. I was so glad I got to teach Caleb to read. It was something I was looking forward to. All the books I read said that boys sometimes need a little more time than girls and not to push them. Better late than early is what most people I trusted told me. So I went very slowly with Caleb. I was so thankful that Jon trusted me with this...sometimes he would wonder if 'Caleb should be reading by now' but he never questioned me. My goal was to have kids who love to read. Even though Caleb started a little slower than Jacob and Abbi did, he loves to read. And he's a very good reader. I am so thankful to be homeschooling my kids...thankful that they can learn at their own pace and don't have to fit into the mold of what other's think they should be learning.

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