Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas in Illinois

We spent Christmas in Illinois again this year and had such a good visit with Jon's family. I'm still waiting on some photos from Jon's sisters (hint, hint), but didn't want to put this off like I did last year. Our nieces and nephews are all getting so big! I'll start catching you up with Kristin's kids since she has the youngest one.

This is Aiden...I won't go into his story here, but Aiden is the cutest, happiest little guy ever! It's almost like he knows that Jeff and Kristin didn't have to take him in to love him and care for him. Like he's just happy to be where he is and he doesn't want to be a bother. He'll eat if you give him food, he'll drink if you give him a bottle, he'll sleep if you lay him down. And if you just look at him, he smiles the biggest smile every time. I know some family members are afraid to get attached to him in case he doesn't get to stay with Jeff and Kristin, but it is just about impossible not to get attached from the first time he smiles at you. He is just precious!

Next is Adrien (AJ) who's going on 2. He's the strong, silent type. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, he has the sweetest little voice. I don't want to forget how he says, "Hi, An Mamy" (Aunt Amy) and Babbi (Abbi) and Waweb (Caleb) and An Nonna (Aunt Tonya). He is just so cute!

And then there's little, entertaining Clayton...almost 3. My word, this kid has such a vocabulary. It's amazing! With Clayton, things are either big or they're big, BIG. He learned how to give zrbts (think back to the Cosby Show) while we were there and asked everyone, "Can I give you a zeebrt?" He is just adorable!

It's unbelievable to me how much Devon (above) and Alex (below) have grown up this year. Man, where did the time go? The kids all had such a good time together. Hopefully Alex and Devon will be able to come with everyone else to visit us this spring.This is Robin's youngest, Matthew, almost 2. He is just a goofball. The above photo is him making silly faces at me while he ate his lunch one day. It was fun getting the chance to play with him...hopefully he'll remember us next time we see him!And this is Matthew's big sister, Laura, going on 4. She is just getting to be so big and independent. What I love about Laura is that when she laughs, she means it. I can't believe how grown up she is. My kids had a really good time playing with her. It warmed my heart when we were saying good-byes and Jacob told Laura that he would miss her. I'm so proud of my kids...they are so great with the little ones and really enjoy playing with them. Abbi had a child on her back for much of the week.

The weather in Illinois ranged from 15 to 20 below 0 (yes, I was FREEZING!) and an ice storm that was so enjoyable to drive in (yes, that is sarcasm) to 60's, thunderstorms and tornadoes, back to snow. It was the oddest weather for Illinois in December. Since it was so yucky all week, we kept busy with lots of indoor fun...The kids taught everyone how to play Mastermind

We played lots and lots of Rita's Wii. It was so much fun! Those are my kind of video games!

The boys built lots of Legos

Robin and the girls made paper chains for the Christmas tree

Jacob stomped Uncle Craig at chess (and then I think Craig stomped him back...was there ever a championship game?)

Jacob made cinnamon rolls with Aunt Robin (it's tradition)

And several games of Apples to Apples were played

Naptime at Gwamma Weeta's (Grandma Rita's)...Clayton and AJ sleeping in the frog tent

Jacob building his new Lego set

I think Aiden likes his new toy! Looks like AJ likes it too!

Caleb painting his new clock from Craig and Robin

Jacob and Laura

Clayton and I

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