Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weird and random conversations

So, we're here in the beautiful Northwest, as of Friday evening. We had an excellent 5 hour flight and arrived in Seattle just after 7 pm on Friday (which was 10 pm to us). The kids all sat together on one side of the aisle, while Jon and I were on other. When we got off the plane, it was like the kids had been cooped up in school all day and hadn't been allowed to talk. If you know my children, you know they're not the most talkative, so it was quite humorous to see them all trying to talk over each other and get my attention. They kept interrupting each other trying to tell me different things about what they did on the flight. The movies weren't working, but luckily there was still TV to watch (Animal Planet for the kids) and lots of games to play.
So, while the kids and I waited for Jon to get our rental car, I tried to listen to each of their stories. It went something like this...
First, they all described (in great detail) each video game they played and what the point of the game was and how tired their arms got. Since it was airplane games, they had to push the buttons on the handheld controls. Abbi ended up using her knitting needles to push the buttons so she could rest her tired arms a bit. She also told me that using her arms like that was probably good for her since she's still getting used to playing the flute. She thinks it built up her muscles a bit. Yeah, okay.
After the video game discussion, we moved onto the snacks discussion. Jon and I bought a few snacks for us on the plane, but the kids had to settle for the free snacks. Jacob told me the cookies weren't very good. I asked him what kind they were and he replied, "Delta." I got a good chuckle out of that one. Jacob was also excited because when the flight attendant handed him his peanuts, she dropped a package of them so when she went by, he snagged them off the floor. See, there are advantages to having the aisle seat.
Then Caleb pipes in and says, "bees are like small factories because the abdomen does this while the thorax does that." I wish I could tell you the rest of his explanation but, one, I was trying to figure out where in the world this came from and, two, while Caleb was giving us this science lesson, Abbi interrupted and began describing all the different landscapes she saw out the window of the plane and asking questions like, "Mommy, what crop were the brown squares? And why were some of them green? And light brown? And dark brown? And why were they blocked off into squares anyway?." I guess my job as their teacher is a never ending one. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Well, that's all for now. I'm sure the kids will have other great insights to share this week. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, that is so funny. I wish I could have heard it all first hand! We prayed that you would have a safe trip and continue to pray. We look forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Or as you blog...I love to read the blog. :)

