Friday, May 15, 2009

The Profound Influence of Band on My Life

Yesterday afternoon, I took the kids for their instrument fitting in preparation for band this fall.  Mr. Uterhardt (who is fondly called Papa George by the students) met with us and let the kids see all sorts of instruments.  Abbi had already decided she wants to play the flute and Caleb was fairly certain he wanted to try the snare drum.  But Jacob had no idea what instrument he wanted to try.  We arrived at the music store and George had a trumpet, trombone, clarinet, saxophone, flute and drum waiting for us.  He started with Abbi and the flute and tried to show her how to blow across the mouthpiece to make sound.  I told him I used to play the flute so he sent us out into the hallway so I could help her while he worked with the boys.  After watching Abbi attempt to make a sound come from the flute, I took it from her to demonstrate where the mouthpiece should rest on her lower lip.  And I played the flute for the first time in at least 20 years.  And do you know what I find absolutely incredible?  It all came back to me.  Just like that.  I played a scale.  Just like that.  More than 20 years have passed since I played the flute and it felt completely natural to play it again.  My fingers just went into automatic and played a scale.  It brought tears to my eyes.  My heart swelled and I was completely overwhelmed with emotion.  Why did I ever stop playing the flute?  I have no answer.

I pondered all this on our drive home.  I was lost in memories of band.  I still remember my junior high school band class.  I'll never forget my teacher, Mr. Wilson.  I can still picture every face in my Concert and Symphony Band classes.  I don't remember all the names, but I can picture it as though it were yesterday.   I will never forget my first week of middle school band.  I was the only 7th grader in the 8th grade band, which already made me unwelcome.  We all had to play a little something so that Mr. Wilson knew where to place us...1st chair, 2nd chair and so on.  The day of the placement announcement was full of anxiety (for me anyway).  Mr. Wilson started with the flute section.  I still remember how he sat in his chair looking over his list.  And then the bomb hit.  "1st chair...Amy Eder."  My heart dropped into my stomach and I know I went pale as a ghost.  I truly did not want to be 1st chair.  1st chair had pressure...the 1st chair flutist also had to play the piccolo when the song called for it.  1st chair was a leader and an example to the others.  I did not feel up to the task and I really did not want the attention.  Not to mention I could feel the daggers of all the 8th grade flutists glaring into me.  Then to my relief Mr. Wilson said, "Wait a minute...1st chair...Becky Skinner.  2nd chair...Amy Eder."  Thank you, Lord!  2nd chair was much better than first.  And the pressure was off.

So, why is it that I remember so much about band?  I remember other things about school...a particular oral book report, my 7th grade Social Studies teacher - Mr. Cowgill, my volleyball coach, how much I loved Pre-Algebra and lots of other random things.  But I don't remember big chunks of things like I do about band.  Could it be because of the things I've shared here the past 2 weeks?  Because band was so multi-sensory that I remember it more clearly than any other class?  Hmmmm...interesting thoughts.

The kids are now super-excited about band, as am I.  Caleb was very pleased with the snare drum, which I think is a perfect fit, and Jacob decided on the saxophone.  Cool.  It looked good on him.  I can't wait!!

Oh, the above photo is of a band concert from 7th grade.  Becky Skinner, the 1st chair flutist is close to the middle wearing white shoes.  I'm next to her wearing a black skirt.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, now I remember things from Mr. Wilson and Mr. Cowgill. I was never in band, but did have Mr. Wilson for the music rotation of classes in 7th grade. I use to secretly call Mr. Cowgill Mr. Fishlung - because if cows can have gills, then fish can have lungs. I also remember it was the year I was in his class that the song "I wanna be a cowboy" That was fun all in itself.
