Monday, May 19, 2008


My birthday was last month so my mom and stepdad flew Abbi and I out to Palm Desert, California for a long weekend of sun and relaxation. The first day we were there, Mom took us to the living desert.
We saw all sorts of animals, including this awesome cheetah.
The giraffes are always my favorite.
Mom and Abbi each fed one of the giraffes.
The petting zoo.
Then it was off to the beautiful butterfly garden.
It was really cool.

Mom and Abbi (and Kit) sitting in the butterfly bench.

The next day we visited the children's museum.
Here's Abbi playing the stringless harp.
They had a darling little pizza place where Abbi made pizzas for Mom and I.
Bon Appetite!
There were all sorts of things to do including crafts...
and car painting.
I think Abbi's favorite spot was the vet's office where she got to pretend to be a vet.
We also got to go to a talent show called Open Call. It was a really fun night!
Box seats!
All our other time was spent here...
And here.

Thanks, Mom and Dave for a wonderful birthday weekend! We had such a great time with you!

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