Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let it Snow - Abbi's story

Abbi wrote this story several months ago. Enjoy!
Let it Snow
Chapter 1 - The Flurry
It's the fourth time it snowed! A girl named Samantha Jernigan was so excited. She had never seen a flurry before and now was her chancce to go ice skating at the arena!
"Mommy, Daddy can I go catch some snow on my tongue?"
"Yes, you may!"
When Samantha got outside she stuck her tongue out, stretched her arms out sideways as far as they could go and twirled. She got two inches of snow just on her tongue! Then Samantha went inside to have some hot chocolate. When she came back outside there was even more snow!
Chapter 2 - The Snowman
The next day Samantha looked out her window to see if there was any more snow. It looked like there was so Samantha got dressed and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. When Samantha got to the kitchen Mrs. Jernigan, Samantha's mom, was there.
"What do you want to eat?" Mrs. Jernigan asked.
"French toast!" was the reply. When Mrs. Jernigan put the french toast on Samantha's plate Samantha ate as fast as she could.
"What's the hurry?" asked Mrs. Jernigan.
"I want to go outside to build a snowman."
"When your plate is finished you may go outside and build a snowman."
When Samantha was finished she got her coat, gloves and boots on and went outside to build a snowman.
Chapter 3 - The Snowman Changes
The next day Samantha went to the kitchen with a full stomach.
"Good morning, Samantha," Mr. Jernigan said when she got to the kitchen.
"May I go outside to build onto my snowman because I'm not hungry."
When Samantha got outside her snowman was gone. Samantha ran inside to get her dad.
"What is it, honey?"
"My snowman is gone!"
"Yes! Gone! I made it yesterday, but now it's not there. It's a mystery!"
Chapter 4 - Strange Noises
When Samantha got up the next morning she heard someone knocking on the kitchen door and saw her snowman standing right in front of her! So she picked it up and put it where she left it when she made it and stood back to admire it when she realized that there was a hat and scarf on the snowman. Then Samantha heard someone say 'hello.'
"Huh? Who's there?"
"It's me. Frosty."
Samantha just stared. "I'm right in front of a talking snowman!" Then Samantha took the hat and scarf off of the snowman and said, "Come towards me." The snowman didn't move so Samantha ran to her room and wrote a note that said:
Dear Mom and Dad,
I will be at the library if you need me.
Then Samantha went to the kitchen and left the note on the table and went to the library and went to the computer and looked up 'snowmen.' When Samantha got home nobody was in the kitchen and nobody came to the kitchen when Samantha yelled "HELP!" So Samantha got the phone and dialed.
"Yes?" said a voice that sounded familiar. It was her dad!
"It's me, Samantha. Where are you?"
"I'm at work. Where are you?"
"I'm at home. Do you know where Mommy is?"
"She's taking a nap and I just realized that if you yell as loud as you can she'll stay really still so don't yell. Bye honey."
"Bye Dad."
When Samantha hung up she said, "No wonder nobody came when I yelled!"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Raven Cliff Falls

This past Saturday we drove up to Raven Cliff Falls and spent the day hiking. It was a five mile hike (2 1/2 miles to the water fall and 2 1/2 back out). Jon and the boys had done it a few times, but this was the first time for Abbi and I.

The weather was perfect...upper 60's and no humidity.
Most of the trail was pretty flat, but there were a few steep spots.
Why use the bridge when there's a log?
Caleb trying to build a fire while the rest of us took a little break.
We stopped at DQ on our way home for a wonderful ice cream treat!
While we were all enjoying our ice cream, Toby was doing this.
So we let him out and gave him his own ice cream cone.
He wasn't quite sure what to do with the cone, but once he figured out it was food, it was gone in about 3 seconds.
And then he was happy again.

Monday, May 19, 2008


My birthday was last month so my mom and stepdad flew Abbi and I out to Palm Desert, California for a long weekend of sun and relaxation. The first day we were there, Mom took us to the living desert.
We saw all sorts of animals, including this awesome cheetah.
The giraffes are always my favorite.
Mom and Abbi each fed one of the giraffes.
The petting zoo.
Then it was off to the beautiful butterfly garden.
It was really cool.

Mom and Abbi (and Kit) sitting in the butterfly bench.

The next day we visited the children's museum.
Here's Abbi playing the stringless harp.
They had a darling little pizza place where Abbi made pizzas for Mom and I.
Bon Appetite!
There were all sorts of things to do including crafts...
and car painting.
I think Abbi's favorite spot was the vet's office where she got to pretend to be a vet.
We also got to go to a talent show called Open Call. It was a really fun night!
Box seats!
All our other time was spent here...
And here.

Thanks, Mom and Dave for a wonderful birthday weekend! We had such a great time with you!