Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Gifts

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights," James 1:17

Since we're spending Christmas in Illinois this year, we decided to open gifts early so we don't have to bring them all with us (on top of all the other gifts we're bringing with us). Here are some highlights of our gift-opening...

We first opened gifts from Uncle Aaron and Aunt Sera. Abbi got the American Girl movies, Molly and Felicity. She was so excited when she opened them. We hadn't seen Molly yet and it is so cute!

Caleb got his Lego Fire is so cool!

And Jacob received the Lego Naboo Starfighter and a really cool Lego book. I think we need to buy stock in Lego...if you saw the boys' room, you'd understand.

I made a prediction about what my gift was (this drives Jon crazy because I'm ALWAYS right). And guess what?! I was right!
Jon was very happy with his gift!

Phoebe decided the Lego boxes were just for her!

Next we opened gifts from Grammy & Pata. Abbi got a darling Groovy Girl along with some accessories for her.

Caleb got books! YAY! He was excited...he's become quite the reader lately.

Jacob received books, too. Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer...nothing like the classics!

Then it was on to the gifts from Jon and I. We got Caleb the Lego Firestation and a really FUN 2-player Nerf Dart Tag system. We're going to have to get some dart replacements...the kids have been playing with this everyday and it's so fun! I need to get another 2-player set so all the kids can play with Jon...

Jacob got Legos, of course. The Star Wars Republic is so impressive.

And little Abbi got some clothes and accessories for her American Girl doll, Kit.

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15

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