Friday, October 26, 2007

The Path to the Octopus

The kids have all been writing stories in their free time. Caleb finished one today that I had to share. The ending made me laugh out loud. Enjoy.

The Path to the Octopus
Once there was two guys trying to get something out of the sea. Then one guy saw a hole of some sort. They they both went to check it out. When they were in it, it was just a wall - it wasn't a hole. Just then the wall opened. They went in the hole and the door shut behind. When they entered they saw a big octopus and big tentacles and they were scared so they tried to get away but the octopus grabbed them. They yelled for help but no one could hear them because they were under water. Then the octopus let go and they were free. They went out of the tunnel. A couple days later they went back into the water. They went back in the hole. When they entered there was no octopus. So they went deeper and deeper. Then they saw a octopus. At first they were terrified but then they realized that the octopus was sleeping. Then they shot it so there was no more octopus. The end.

1 comment:

  1. Caleb, I LOVE your story! You've become quite the good author.

