Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Every once in awhile Jon or I will ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up. Jacob's answer is always something to do with Legos...work for LEGO, create new Lego sets, run a Lego store, you get the picture. Rarely does he say anything other than that. He used to want to a writer or an artist, but now his life is pretty much Legos. Abbi has gone from wanting to be a housebuilder to an artist to now, a babysitter. She has high aspirations of turning 12 and being able to take the Red Cross Babysitter's class so she can begin babysitting without my assistance. We do our share of babysitting for friends and Abbi just loves it. Our children's pastor's wife had a new baby (number 3) in March and we had the blessing of caring for their 1 year old for 4 or 5 days while she was in the hospital...it was wonderful! Abbi had the time of her life helping to feed, change and bathe little Emory, as well as pat his backside as he drifted off to sleep. I didn't even have to entertain him since Abbi never left his side. Here's the two of them...For several years now, when asked what he wants to be when he grows up, Caleb has always said, 'a policeman.' A few months ago, I began praying for a long life for Caleb. We were doing our bible study one day and talking about God sending his one and only son to die for us and just how powerful that is. I shared with the kids that the night I was saved, I had read in my Bible about Jesus' life, trial and crucifixion and the fact that He was God's only son. At the time, Jacob was just over a year old and I thought about how much I loved him and I realized that I didn't love ANYONE enough to let Jacob, my one and only son, die in their place. I don't even think I love Jon enough to let one of my children die for him. And then the lightbulb went on and I realized just how much God loves me. Me, in all my unworthiness. Me, after all the terrible sins I had committed - things I hadn't yet forgiven myself for. God so loved ME that he gave his only begotten son so that I should not perish but have eternal life. I asked Jacob if he loved Caleb or Abbi enough to die in their place. He answered, "probably not." I asked Abbi the same thing...her reply was a slow "I - don't - think - so." I asked Caleb if he would die for his brother or sister and he soberly looked straight in my eyes and said, "I would, Mommy." There is not a doubt in my mind or heart that he spoke the truth - that he would be willing to die in another's place. So to hear him say he wants to be a policeman is a frightening thought to his mommy. I began praying for a long life for Caleb - that he will marry a godly woman with a good sense of humor (whoever has the privilege of marrying Caleb must have this quality), that they will have children and grow old together and have many grandchildren. I recently asked Caleb if he still wants to be a policeman when he grows up. He told me that no, he had changed his mind. I breathed a silent prayer of thanks to God and asked Caleb what he wants to be. His reply - a fireman. I guess it's back to my knees.

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