Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dear Lord

Dear Lord,
Keep my face turned toward You always. Lead me in the way that I should go and do not let me turn away from your path. Let my life be a reflection of Your mercy and goodness. I know I should not be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. I know I should clothe myself instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to You. Keep me from attempting to glorify myself and help me to instead glorify You in all that I do, wear, and say. Let the way I dress and behave show holiness. Show me areas in myself that are displeasing to You. Help me to remember that my body is a holy temple and help others to see You in all areas of my life. Wash me and make me clean.
Take my life, lord, and do with it what You will, and make me content and joyful always and in everything. Help me to obey Your Word so that I might glorify and enjoy You forever. Help me be diligent in all that I do. Help me joyfully seek Your will and not my own pleasure.
Help me to love my family the way that You love me. Let me be a blessing to my husband and children as I serve You through loving and serving them. Teach me, O Lord, that I might learn Your ways and not the ways of the world. Give me a godly desire to please my husband as I glorify You, my heavenly Daddy.
Lord, help me to remember that You are in control of every situation, no matter how big or small. Your word says You will never leave me nor forsake me. Reveal the areas of my heart where I have not trusted You. Replace my rebellious heart with one that is obedient, tender and teachable.
Help me to remember that I am made in Your image and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank You for creating me, and forgive me for the times when I am arrogant or proud.
Keep me focused on loving and serving You and others, not myself. Help me to love my family as myself. Help me to serve them with love and gentleness. Help me to remember that You have given my family to me as a gift and that we are to love one another. Please help build and strengthen our relationships and help us to live and serve You in unity.
Dear Lord, place a guard over my lips and help me to speak words that build others up and glorify You. Keep me from words that hurt and destroy. Put words of kindness in my mouth.
Please keep me pure in all ways. Guard my mind, spirit and emotions. Show me areas where I am sinning and compromising my purity. Give me a humble and repentant heart so I may ask Your forgiveness and be cleansed of my sin. Show me ways I can glorify You in my relationships. Help me to daily conform to the image of Jesus.
In Jesus name,


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