Monday, September 10, 2007

Interesting things we learned last week

Did you know that Christopher Columbus didn't really discover America? It was really discovered around 1000 AD by a Norweigan Viking named Leif Ericson. I'm sure we all remember the song "Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492." I always learned that Columbus discovered America...are schools these days still teaching that, I wonder?

One of our science books this year is written by Jeannie Fulbright...she has a whole series of science books for elementary grades. I had the opportunity to hear her speak a few months ago and she is AWESOME!! The book we're studying now is called Exporing Creation with Zoology 1 - Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. Last week we learned all about migration and how God designed birds with all kinds of instincts. We learned that when birds migrate, they always follow the same path, usually stopping at the same feeders from year to year. I found the following to be fascinating: "Birds have an incredible sense of direction! Scientists experimented with certain terns, taking them from their home in the Gulf of Mexico and shipping them hundreds of miles away from their homes. They sent the birds places that they had never been before, over oceans and islands they had never seen. They then let the birds go, and, within a few days, the birds found their way back home, right to their nest! Scientists also took a Manx Shearwater from its home in Great Britian and took it to the U.S. as soon as it was released, the bird flew 3,100 miles across the Atlantic Ocean (nonstop) back home to its nest in 12 days." Isn't that just amazing?! I love that we can learn about things like this with God the Creator getting the credit He deserves.

We also started a new apologetics curriculum from Answers in Genesis. Did you know that many evolutionists believe that insects, including bees, evolved 200-220 million years ago but that flowering plants did not evolve until 100 million years ago? So, if that's true, what did the bees eat for those 100 million years until there were pollinating flowers?

"The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without a teacher."
Elbert Hubbard

1 comment:

  1. We have just starte 'Exploring Creation with Astronomy' for Connor and Madison plus the Apologia Physical Science for Meghan! I could tell when they arrived that they were going to be awesome!
