Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Tooth Story

I wish I could put into words the drama that entered our home 4 1/2 months ago. Oy. The drama. The drama of a 6 year old Ukranian princess. Who knew?

Princess Vera has had a loose tooth for a few weeks. Enter double drama. Her top, two front teeth are both loose, but one was especially loose. Jon had to take another business trip last week and tried to pull said loose tooth before he left. This momma is a big, fat wimp when it comes to loose teeth. Don't even let me see it...I may pass out! When Jon tried to pull it, Vera's tooth was not quite dry and his finger slipped. Lots of screaming ensued. The tooth did not get pulled.

When Jon returned home from his trip, he tried again to pull said loose tooth. Vera jerked her head back at the last second and Jon missed. Lots of screaming ensued. The tooth did not get pulled. Two parents were very frustrated.

Well, third time's a charm, right? Not always. The next night we gave Vera some melatonin in an effort to calm her so Jon could pull the ridiculous loose tooth, that was now barely hanging on. Disgusting. Why in the world did God give us baby teeth only to have them fall out and be replaced by permanent ones? It's a vicious cycle, really. Especially for people who are completely grossed out by loose teeth. But, I digress. Anyway, it was WAY past Vera's bedtime and the melatonin should've kicked in long ago. With my help, Jon tried YET AGAIN to pull Vera's tooth. YET AGAIN it was a bust. Lots of screaming ensued. From Vera and myself.

We were at loss. What were we to do? The tooth needed to come out. It bled every time we brushed Vera's teeth. It was beyond ready to come out...and yet it still clung there. Jon was worried about traumatizing Vera and losing her trust. I could see Jon's point, but I was so over the drama. If we even said the word 'tooth', both of Vera's hands would firmly and securely cover her mouth. Her little mouth was more secure than any airport in the United States. Every day we had a new conversation about the tooth. She told us when her bottom two teeth were pulled in Ukraine it hurt and she cried and cried. (We don't know why those teeth were pulled, but we don't think they were ready.) She told us she was scared to have Jon pull her tooth. We all tried to convince her that Daddy knows what he's doing. He's pulled Jacob's teeth and Caleb's teeth and Abbi's teeth. There's no need to be scared. Vera wouldn't listen.

"Your tooth is so loose, Vera. It really needs to come out."
"No." Giggle. "Ya no want toof out. Ya like my toof. Me no want toof out."
"But what if it comes out it your sleep and you swallow it?"
"Ya like swawwow teef. Teef yummy." Giggle.
"But if you swallow your tooth, you won't be able to put it under your pillow and have a surprise in the morning."
"Iz okay. Ya no like supwise. Ya like toof. Me no want toof out."

I asked some friends for advice. One mom suggested we pull it while Vera was asleep. We had considered that but then worried that Vera would be afraid to fall asleep from then on. Some suggested an apple...or taffy. But we knew Vera would just use her back teeth. Some said just let it fall out on its own. Sigh.

Yesterday morning as I was stretching Vera, she was playing with her hanging-on-by-a-thread-completely-gross-loose-tooth. I could see the hole underneath her tooth. It just hung there, taunting me. I had to stop looking at Vera. Jon came home last night and I told him the tooth MUST COME OUT! I could not take one more day!

We went into Vera's room where she was drawing with Jacob. Caleb and Abbi followed, so the whole family minus the cat were all in Vera's room. We didn't talk about it first like we had been doing. That always got Vera very worked up and stressed her out. I distracted Vera with her watch and Jon came in from behind and before Vera even knew what happened, Jon popped the tooth out. Vera cried, but mostly from the surprise I think. After the tears, she told us it didn't hurt. We all clapped and cheered. Toby, the dog, wiggled and growled (he growls when he's happy and excited). Vera said through her smile and giggle, "Ya sowwy I cwy." Then she thanked Jon no less than 13 times. "Fank uh, Daddy, pull my toof. Ya like my toof out. Fank uh, Daddy." At bedtime she smothered him with hugs and kisses and more thank you's for pulling the tooth. I don't think any trust was lost. If anything, I think trust was built. Vera now knows that we weren't lying to her when we told her it wouldn't hurt to pull the tooth. She told us it didn't hurt. She knows we told the truth that it would not bleed very much. (Sounds like her bottom two teeth bled a lot and that was partly why she was scared.) Jon mentioned to Vera how loose the second tooth is and that it will probably come out in a few days. Vera was cool with it. Maybe we won't have any drama next time. Maybe.

So, are you ready for pictures?
Such a big girl!
See the joy on the kids' faces?
We were all thrilled to have this behind us.
The tooth fairy visited last night (which is another story) and left a whole dollar for Vera.
Today after PT, Vera and I went to the dollar store so she could pick out 2 surprises.
(She had another dollar that Jon had given her when we first came home.)
She spotted her first treasure as soon as we walked in the door.
A red, tinsel tree.
What would you expect a 6 year old princess to buy?
Some fake nails, perhaps?
Vera wanted the second thing she saw in the store,
but I suggested we look around a little more before she decided.
It didn't take long to find the perfect thing for Vera...
That's more like it!
Very excited to show her siblings!
She wants to know if she can wear them to sleep.
I'm thinking not.
Occupational therapy for a buck!
Can't beat that!


  1. Such a neat story. When you move to Oregon, perhaps Jon can pull Luke's teeth too....
