Friday, May 28, 2010

Jacob's 13th Birthday - Part Two

Over a year ago, a friend of mine shared with me something that a friend of hers had done for her son's 13th birthday. I absolutely loved the idea and decided to borrow it, tweak it, and use it. So last May I began planning Jacob's 13th Birthday Event. I invited our family and some of our closest friends and people who are significant in Jacob's life. I asked everyone to share a word of wisdom with Jacob as he enters manhood...encouragement, advice, or Scripture...something every young man should know. Whatever they felt led to share with him. We were incredibly humbled and blessed by the turnout. My brother and sister-in-law came from Oregon. Most of Jon's family came from Texas, Illinois and Tennessee. 5 other close families were also able to join us.
Everyone except for Jon and Jacob met at Little Mulberry Park. Our pastor led us all in prayer and then I walked everyone up to the beginning of one of the one-mile-loop. I planned for each family to be stationed about every 1/10 of a mile.
The plan was for Jon and I to send Jacob off to walk the one-mile-loop by himself. As he came to each family along the path, they would give him their 'charge', the way Paul charged Timothy.
With everything else we had had going on the past few weeks (yard sales, threats of adoptions suspending, GHEA conference, friends visiting from Arkansas, family visiting from everywhere, etc.) I didn't really feel prepared for the event. I knew what I had in my head and I thought I had communicated it well to everyone who came. Still, I feared I was forgetting something major. I had to repeatedly turn it over to the Lord. He knew my hopes. He knew what Jacob needed to hear. He knew the day already.
We couldn't have had a more gorgeous day for the event. Wow, did God ever bless this day for us! It was warm, but not muggy with a nice breeze. I had chosen a path with lots of shade so that people weren't waiting in the hot, baking sun for Jacob to make his way to them. In my mind, it all worked perfectly. I haven't heard any complaints from anyone, so I'm just going to keep it perfect in my head.
Shortly after I sent everyone to their posts, Jon arrived with Jacob. Jacob thought he was meeting us at a ball game. Not so, my son, not so. Jacob and I have very similar personalities...neither of us enjoy new all. We would much rather watch and see before we get involved in anything. We like to know exactly what's expected before we dive into anything new. We like to know the plan and stress out if the plan changes with little or no warning. Sometimes we may even cry if we're forced into something we're not mentally ready for. Knowing this, I was the one to speak to Jacob first as Jon and I sent him off on his journey. I told him that I knew we were throwing this at him with no prior notice and he was probably panicking a bit. I told him I understood. God designed he and I this way. I also told him that I was confident that he was up for this challenge. I shared with him that there will always be circumstances in our lives that make us uncomfortable or maybe even fearful. I gave him Isaiah 52:12 which tells us that God goes before us and He will guard us from behind. That should give us the reassurance to approach new situations with confidence and excitement. I reminded him that God is always faithful. How I pray that that truth sinks into Jacob's heart and dwells there. In life, new situations can't always be avoided. There will be many times when we feel weak and powerless. Those are the times that we must rest in the knowledge that God is strong when we are weak. It is in our weaknesses that God's strength and power shine through us.
I shared other things too...mushy, mom-to-son things. Jon was very proud of me that he didn't need to take over and read for me. I was emotional, but kept it together long enough to make my speech. Must've been the Lord doing it...being strong in my weakness. Kinda goes along with my theme, don't you think? And with that, off Jacob went. No tears, no worries. Just a water bottle and the assurance that Daddy and I would meet him at the end of the trail. Jon and I were so amazed and proud of Jacob that he accepted this task without even batting an eyelash.
Jacob's first two stops were with Jon's mom and youngest sister, Kristin. Then he moved onto Craig and Robin. Since we weren't with Jacob, I couldn't take any photos...the one flaw in the whole event.
His next stop was with the Davis family. Leslie was one of the first friends I made when we moved to Georgia. Her oldest son, Presley, and Jacob have been good friends for years. They have many things in common and they love spending time together. We've had many sleepovers with the Davis family and we are ever-so-thankful to have crossed paths with them. Leslie is a scrapbooker and took pictures while Ross gave Jacob his charge.
Jacob's next two stops were with our two pastors. I wish I had pictures of those charges being given. I have a picture in my head though. I guess that'll have to do.
Jon, Caleb, Abbi and I were all waiting at the end of the trail for Jacob. We knew who had finished charging Jacob as they all passed us on their way to the playground, which is where we met at the end of the event for a picnic. After the 6th family came by, the twins were getting a little bored and antsy waiting for Jacob. Just then, this awesome snake crossed our path. That broke up the monotony a bit. Thank You, Lord, for that wonderful distraction!
I tried to put those with the youngest kids at the beginning of the trail so they could just head to the playground. That meant that Aaron and Sera were near the end. Sera got this picture of Aaron passing on their piece of advice. He used a Bible that had been given to our dad, seemingly at a significant time in his life. Very cool!
Next on Jacob's journey was his good friend, Tanner. Tanner had requested a post by himself so he could talk with Jacob without his parents listening in. Tanner, by far, had the most to say to Jacob. We knew Aaron and Sera had finished and after them it was just Tanner and his family left. We waited. And waited. And waited. After Tanner shared his heart with Jacob, he walked the trail with Jacob to meet up with his family and then his dad gave Jacob the next-to-last charge. Then they all walked with Jacob to the end where Jon and I were waiting. Jon gave Jacob the final charge...
Jon shared many things with Jacob, but one of those words of wisdom was about choosing his path. He used the illustration above...this is what we could see where we were standing. A place where several paths come together. A place where you must choose the path you will follow. Which way will you go, Jacob? Jon urged Jacob to choose the path of Life that will fill him with joy and eternal pleasures. He also shared Philippians 4:8, which says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." This is the standard for our thought-life.
Like I said, Jon shared many things with Jacob. And I wasn't the only one who got emotional.
I love the above picture...the father, handing the Word of God to the son. While Jon was sharing, I was praying the following...
"Listen, my son, to your father's instruction..." Proverbs 1:8
"Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction. Pay attention and gain understanding." Proverbs 4:1
"Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many." Proverbs 4:10
"My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words." Proverbs 4:20
"My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to the words of insight." Proverbs 5:1
"A wise son heeds his father's instruction." Proverbs 13:1
"Listen, son, and be wise. Keep your heart on the right path." Proverbs 23:19
When Jon finished, we all prayed as a family. Then we headed to the playground. Here we are (below) approaching the playground where our family and friends awaited us. Yes, that is a box of Kleenex in my hand...and yes, it was much needed.
Next are some photos of some of our friends that blessed us with their presence that day...this is Laura and her youngest. Laura and I have been friends since shortly after we moved here, as have all our kids. She is a great encouragement to me in mothering and homeschooling.
The Bryson family...such a blessing to ours! We instantly 'clicked' with this family when we first found HCBC. Their son, Tanner, is Jacob's age and their daughter, Jenna, is Abbi's age. Although they don't live nearby, we try to get together regularly as the kids are always begging for play days together.
Jacob and Laura...isn't she so big with her glasses?!
Jan with Dana and Demer Webb...our partners in adoption!
And yard sales. And fundraisers. And...we are so thankful for this family! We really bonded with the Webb's in the past few months. Working 3 huge yard sales together within 3 months will do that to you. Demer and Dana totally inspire me to 'do all to the glory of God.'
Aaron and Craig - quite a pair!
Aaron and the lovely Sera! We are so thankful they were able to make it to Georgia for Jacob's special day! Aaron and Sera are also in the adoption process. We are praying for their 'delivery' to be very soon!
Abbi and Bethany (Laura's oldest daughter).
Baby Mark - just chillin'!
AJ - did I mention I brought cupcakes for everyone?
Several of the families shared with us what they shared with Jacob. I am just in awe with the wisdom that was so lovingly imparted to Jacob...

"Jesus said the two most important things you can do with your life are to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and to love your neighbor as your yourself. Love God and love people. You will face many choices in your life. Some of those choices will be hard. You will face many temptations. Some of those temptations will be strong. No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, you will never go wrong in loving God and loving others. And you cannot truly do one without the other."

"There is nothing more precious than God, nothing more valuable than He, and nothing will satisfy you and give your pleasure like Him. Why settle for the trinkets of this world when you can have treasure!"

"Society tells you that you should do what makes you feel good. That the ultimate good is the one that helps you get ahead - in your personal life, in your future job, in your personal relationships. But God requires something different from His man. He requires that you put Him, and others, ahead of yourself. You can only do this by constantly examining yourself: your heart, your movives, your focus. Our society says to do what you want, when you want - just go with the flow. But God says to stop and take the time to think, to ponder which path you will be on, and to diligently keep that path. He has a special path in mind just for you. Your job is to seek it out - His path for you. Our prayer for you today is that you will always keep your focus on the straight and narrow path that He has laid out for you."

"Do not confuse straight with easy. God will make your path certain and your destination clear, but there may be times when the straight path is filled with potholes of disappointment, or steep inclines that require endurance and perseverance, but take heart, you do not journey alone when you put your trust in God. Instead you have Him with you carrying you when you are too weak, guiding you when it seems dark, and lovingly correcting you when you step off the path."

"All that we need to know in order to make us peaceful, holy, or happy is contained in the Bible...the request I make of you this day is that you will read and meditate of God's Word daily. We pray that you will seek to glorify God in all your thoughts and actions."

"It is not the mere knowing of Christ's name, it is the knowing of His grace, mercy and power, the knowing of Him not by the hearing of the ear, but by the experience of your heart and by faith. Your soul is the one thing worth living for. It is eternal and will live forever. You were placed on this earth to train for eternity...God does not show favoritism or respect the honors given by man. He does not reward man's heritage, or wealth, or rank, or position. God measures all men by one standard, one measure, one test, one criterion, and that is the state of their soul. The world seems to take it for granted that young men must be irreligious, and that it is not possible for them to follow Christ. Where will you find anything of this in the Word of God? Doesn't the Bible speak to the old and young alike, without distinction? Many a young man has overcome difficulties in the past (Moses, Daniel, Isaac, Joseph, Joshua, Samuel, David, Solomon, etc.) and so can you through God's grace and power. If men believed God's promises more, they would never be afraid of their assigned duties."

"We charge you, Jacob, to TRUST in the Lord. Put all your hopes, all your dreams, all your cares, all your confidences in our Lord. Let Him be the one in whom you find your true hope. We charge you to do so with all your heart. God demands and deserves all your heart. He doesn't want part of you, He wants all of you. He will guard your heart when you give it to Him. He will care for you in ways you could never imagine. When you give Him all of who you are you will find a Treasure beyond understanding and a joy that cannot be quenched."

There were many more equally wonderful words shared with Jacob. There were a few people could not make it to the event, but still wanted to share a word with Jacob. So they wrote letters to him that he read when we got home. That was a happy surprise to him. I am making an album for Jacob that will contain everything that was shared with him.

I can't give enough thanks to everyone who participated in this event with us. To those who took the time and effort to write their words of advice and encouragement, we thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. To those who sacrificed their time and energy to be here on the day of this special event, we thank you. We know that many of you had other important obligations that day and we are so appreciative that you chose to be present for Jacob's journey. This was a day he will never forget...I hope! plan Abbi and Caleb's 13th birthday events. I already have some ideas rolling around in my head. And I have over two years to plan!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jacob's 13th Birthday - Part One

Well. It happened. My oldest son, Jacob, turned 13 a couple of weeks ago. There is officially a teenager in the house. Look out! As tradition dictates, Jacob started out the day by making his own birthday cake.
He let Caleb help with the frosting...
And Caleb helped himself to a taste!
Jacob opted for no sprinkles...he is really growing up.
But he did ask for the special numbers to mark this momentous occasion.
The completed masterpiece.
We had lots of family in town for Jacob's big day...Jon's parents, two sisters and 6 children combined, one brother-in-law, along with my brother and sister-in-law. Jon's family arrived on Wednesday, but Aaron and Sera did not arrive until the day after Jacob's actual birthday. Jacob asked if we could wait until everyone was there to take him out for his birthday dinner. But I still wanted to do something special on his actual birthday. His request...jambalaya.
It was so yummy!
After dinner it was gift-opening time. Jacob has finally reached the card-with-money stage as opposed to actual presents.
Jacob had quite an audience...Clayton, Abbi, Caleb and Laura all watched with eager anticipation of what would fall out of each card.
Before too long, Clayton and Laura lost interest and entertained themselves in other ways.
And was cake time!
I'm not quite sure what was so funny...I'm sure Craig or Jon instigated it.
Either way, I love these pictures of Jacob.
On the Saturday following Jacob's birthday, we had a very special surprise event for him. Please stay won't want to miss it!