Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This and That

My computer died a few days ago so I can't share what I had planned because I can't get to my photos. My tech. support (Jon) is working on it this week (he thinks my internal power supply quit) so I thought I'd share what we've been up to the past few weeks. I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged. But, well, we've been busy!

The first week of June, my friend Leslie tested my kids (along with her older 2). This is something the state of Georgia requires every 3 years beginning in 3rd grade. So this was Jacob's second experience with it and the twins first. I think overall it went well. We took 4 days to do the tests (about 2 hours per day) and the last day was pretty rough for the twins. They had 2 extra sections to do that tested listening and remembering skills. They did one extra section the 2nd day and the other extra section on the 4th day. And that day there were tears from both of them. My poor babies! But, they all survived and now we don't have to think about it for another 3 years! Hallelujah!

We're wrapping up with school...before you gasp and say "You're not done with school yet?!" keep in mind that we didn't start until the middle of September and we've had some unexpected days off this spring. They all just have a few more days of Science and Language Arts. We finished up Poetry last Friday. The twins have 1 more book to finish for History, which they'll finish this week. Jacob has a bit more History because he chose to take some days off and sometimes he chooses not to do all of one days work in one day. I leave that up to him and now he is seeing why I recommended how much to do each day. He has about 3 more weeks of History (but he only does it 3 days a week, so if he was motivated, he could finish much sooner). That leaves math...the boys each have about 4 more weeks of math. Math is the one thing we never rush through. And it only takes about 10 minutes a day, so I don't feel bad that they still have several more weeks.

In their spare time, after school and chores the kids each keep busy with various activities. Jacob and Caleb are forever building and playing with Legos. They're now into the Pocket Models and are really enjoying their new hobby. Caleb knitted himself a winter hat this past week and Abbi started one for her. It's 98 degrees outside and they're knitting winter hats. Abbi also knit a hat and scarf for her AG Ruthie doll for Christmas. Last year she made her a quilt. Abbi's trying to decide what to make for Kit this year...she did the hat and scarf last year. The kids aren't playing outside as much these days, unless we're at the pool, because it's SO HOT! They each do lots of reading...the boys are reading the Hardy Boys series and Abbi has been reading the old Nancy Drew books for awhile now. She's on #48. A few weeks ago I started a list for each of the kids with all the books they've read. I didn't include 'smaller' books (like Magic Treehouse), but only big chapter books. I also didn't include all the books on CD they've listened to. Jacob's list had 64, Caleb's had 50 and Abbi's had 144 books. I think Abbi is up to 160 now. She's a reading maniac! Needless to say, her favorite subjects are reading and spelling.

The kids also started working on my mom's birthday gift. My mom turns 60 this year and I've been wracking my brain trying to think of something for the kids to make for her. It finally hit me last week and the kids were all on board. I'd share what the gift is, but Mom might be reading this, so you'll have to wait. Now, if I only knew what I should get her! Any ideas??

We bought Jacob a new bike last week. He outgrew his other bike last summer so we passed it onto Caleb who had outgrown his bike (which was Jacob's first bike). As we were walking back to the bike section, I was feeling a twinge of guilt that Caleb was never going to get to pick out his own bike since he always inherits Jacob's. I was still feeling the guilt as Jon and Jacob were pulling different bikes down to try them out. I was thinking about how Caleb would never get to experience 'picking out a new bike with daddy.' And then Caleb came to me and said, "Mommy, I sure am glad I'm the younger brother." I asked why and his reply made me want to drop to my knees and praise God. He said, "Because I will never have to come here to pick out a bike...I'll just get Jacob's old one!" And he was so happy about it. How precious is he?! What I saw as a privilege, Caleb saw as a boring chore. He'd much rather just get on the bike and go than waste time picking it out. We also got a bike rack for the van so now we can finally go ride bikes at some of our favorite parks.

We've been to the pool several times and I love to watch my kids swim. I was scared to death of swimming when I was a kid and it amazes me how brave my kids are in the water. I was at least 11 when I quit wearing a life jacket. Seriously. But the kids are all very good, strong swimmers. They know so many pool games...they played several yesterday and at one point all the kids in the pool were playing too. (Who says homeschoolers don't know how to socialize?) They played Marco Polo, Categories, Silence, tag, etc. I always learn things that I didn't know when they play Categories.

Last week, Jacob took a class in 3-D Computer Animation. He learned a lot and had a great time. They used the same software that was used to make the Shrek movies (and others). The first day was basically an introduction. The 2nd day they made a ball, gave it color and learned how to make it bounce through hoops. They also made characters (Jacob's was a Ninja), gave them voices and made their faces move to what was being said. The last 2 days each student made a blooper (like at the end of Toy Story) which Jacob loved. The teacher should be emailing me everything Jacob did so we can all see. I can't wait!

Well, I think that catches you up for the most part. Are you wondering what I do with MY time? If I'm not doing school with the kids or cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, etc. then you can find me either stamping & scrapbooking or reading. My stampin' clubs ended this month for the summer and I'm gearing up for my summer classes. The new Stampin' Up! catalog comes out July 1st and I can't wait to see it! I've also been doing LOTS of reading lately. Which means either of 2 things, or both...either I'm neglecting my children in the afternoons or I'm staying up way too late because 'I'll just read one more chapter and then go to bed.' And before I know it, I'm done with the book. I've also begun learning sign language. I checked out some books and a video from the library. I must admit, that it's hard (for me) to learn sign language from a book. What are they really doing with their hands? The video is extremely helpful. Abbi is learning with me and we've learned many things so far. We've only watched the first section of the video and here's what we can sign:
What's your name?
My name is _____.
I'm happy to meet you.
I'm learning sign language.
Please sign slowly.
Where do you live?
I live in _______.
Please/thank you/you're welcome
How are you?
What's your phone number?
My phone number is ___________
Alphabet and numbers
Are you deaf?
Are you hearing?

I hope you've enjoyed the little re-cap of what we've been up to lately. Next time I'll show you the stampin' projects I've been working on.

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