Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Bucket List

Last summer, Jon and I rented the movie Bucket List (with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman). In August my mom and I had a discussion about her bucket list and she told me some of the things that are on hers. That prompted me to make my own. I figure at my age, maybe I can actually accomplish some things on my list before I die. Each day is a gift...I don't want to waste any of my days. And I certainly don't want to reach a ripe old age and look back with regret that I didn't do some things I wish I had.

Right now, my list is not that long. I found myself wanting to write things about my, I want to live long enough to see them all graduate, to see them all happily married with children. I want to see them all live their lives for the glory of God. But that's not something that's really in my control. So here's what I have so far.

1. I want to be a surrogate mother. Yes, you read that correctly. It was something I had been thinking about since my trip to Belarus, but writing it down made me realize it's truly something I desire to do. I've done my research and read tons of blogs and testimonies from women who have done it, and that sealed it for me. This is not something I've shared with many people (I'm sure all of you reading this are shocked) because I discovered that there is some controversy with surrogacy. There are two types of surrogacy, Gestational and Traditional. Traditional is where the surrogate's egg is used with donor sperm to fertilize it. Gestational (which is what I would do) is where the Intended Parents create embryos that are transferred to the surrogate mother, and the surrogate mother gestates the child but has no genetic link. So, Jon and I prayed about it, sought counsel from friends and pastors, and finally decided to move forward. This is one of those things that I can only do for a few more years since age is a factor. I found an agency in Atlanta that deals with surrogacy and filled out the 22 page application as well as gave pictures of myself, Jon, the kids, the main rooms of the house, front yard, back yard, pets, etc. I got all my records from previous pregnancies (which was a miracle in itself...both OB's that delivered my children are retired. And when I had my first miscarriage, Jon was still in the Navy. I even got those records!). I had an interview and all went well until I was asked if I was willing to do 'selective reduction' if it ended up being multiples. The most embryos they would transfer is 3, so I knew that there was a chance I'd be carrying twins or even triplets. Well, I already know I can carry twins. Been there. Done that. Triplets might be stretching it a little, but I trust that the Lord would not give me more than I can handle. My answer was 'no' I would not be willing to do selective reduction. And right there my interview was about over. The interviewer told me she would still enter me into the system, but the chances of me being chosen was very slim. She said the intended parents want to be able to make that decision for themselves. That was back in November, and I haven't heard a thing since.

2. I want to be debt-free. Little by little we're getting there.

3. I want to adopt a child. Or two.

4. I want to learn Sign Language. We went out to eat a few weeks ago and at the booth next to us was a young family. Parents and a toddler. The parents were signing to each other the whole time and it was hard for me not to keep looking at them. What were they saying? Sometimes they would laugh. What were they laughing about? I realized then that they couldn't eat and talk at the same time they way we do. I had never thought about that before.

5. I want to live in the Northwest again while my kids still live at home.

6. I want to go on a trip with World Vision and meet the child we sponsor in Brazil.

7. I want to go on a trip with Buckner and wash the dirt off of children's bare feet before sliding on their first and only pair of shoes. I want my kids to come with me.

8. I want to learn how to quilt...I just wonder if I'm patient enough.

9. I want to visit the Holy Land with Jon and the kids.

10. I want to visit each continent.

11. I want to read the entire Bible chronologically.

12. I want to be a long term missionary overseas somewhere...Belarus, perhaps?

13. I want to drive up the East Coast.

14. I want to visit Washington D.C. with Jon and the kids.
15. I want to get braces.
16. I want to visit the Grand Canyon with Jon and the kids.
So, that's it so far. What's on your bucket list?


  1. Great list Amy! Have you ever thought about adopting a frozen embryo? There are thousands of babies frozen b/c they were "leftover" from IVF. Many are up for adoption. I think our agency does this type of adoption. It is called snowflake adoption I think. Just a thought! You would get to be pregnant again that way. We've actually talked about it. I think it would be SO cool to save those babies lives!

  2. What a wonderful list. I enjoyed reading it and learning more about you!
