Okay, I know Christmas was like, 3 months ago, but I've been waiting to post until I got some photos from Jon's sister (thank you, Kristin!).
So, here's a fun recap of our Christmas in Illinois!

Abbi and Jacob with our niece, Laura.

Abbi and our nephew, AJ.

Jon with another nephew, Matthew.

Jacob with Matthew. Such a happy boy!

Caleb and Uncle Craig

Uncle Craig peeking at what the kids are up to. My next post will be of the most awesome Christmas cake you've ever seen! Really!

Matthew and AJ fighting over a box...they don't even care about the presents that surround them. They want the cardboard box!

Caleb with Matthew

Our nephew, Devon opening his gift from us. His jaw is open wide!
I think he liked it!

Me and AJ

Laura and Caleb

Our niece, Alex and Abbi reading to Laura before her nap.

Jacob and Laura

Abbi and Matthew

Alex and Matthew

Here are the kids with Jon's cousins, Ciara and Noah.
They had a blast playing outside together!

Me and our nephew, Clayton

When you ask Clayton for a kiss, he'll give you one. But if you ask for a BIG kiss, he grabs your cheeks and pulls you in for his famous 'big kiss!'

Jon and Laura playing with her new princess cell phone.

Our kids with Clayton and AJ

Matthew and AJ are only a month apart.
How fun to grow up together!

Alex, Abbi and Caleb

Jon and AJ

Me and Laura. Doesn't she just look like the sweetest little thing?
Don't let her fool you!

This is the REAL Laura!
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