Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Review - God's Faithfulness Revealed

As this year comes to a close, I have received many "2010 in Review" emails from various organizations. Have you? Did each one seem to have a common theme? I thought I should write my own 2010 in's been quite a year for the Evans family.

I recently did a little thing on Facebook where you could make a page of some of your 2010 statuses. When I did it, one thing crossed my mind. God's faithfulness. How many times had I asked for prayer, either publicly on Facebook or quietly to myself? How many times had God answered? Well, sometimes I am very good at wasting time...I decided to go back to the beginning of 2010 and copy and paste all my statuses into a Word document. Yes, I know, I'm weird. But I am also encouraged and so glad I did it. We have a large amount of money due very soon to continue the process to adopt Leanna. We need $16,500 in a few weeks and we have just over $3,000 of it. Plus we still have two trips to make. All together, we still need over $30,000 to finish this thing and bring Leanna home.

Where will we get the rest? How will we come up with it?


But I am not worried.

At. All.

Which is a new, odd revelation. Every other time we knew a large sum of money would soon be needed, Jon and I would ask ourselves, sometimes repeatedly, "What are we going to do? What if we don't have the money by the time we need it?" Which always led to prayer. Which always led to prayer being answered. Because that's just how God works.

We ask. He answers.

Does He always answer in the affirmative? God is not a genie in a bottle. He does not always answer the way we want Him to. But He does always answer.

I'd like to share some of the things I posted on Facebook this year. I pray you will be encouraged as you read some of my prayer requests and also the ways He answered...sometimes very quickly. Most of these are related to adopting Leanna. There were many other prayer requests that God answered this year. Many, many, many.

Okay, so, here are 20 Facebook status/prayer requests...going back to January 2010:

1. would appreciate prayers today. Leanna returns to Russia. I ask again, how am I supposed to let her go? I guess the answer is that I have no choice. To quote her words yesterday, "I no WANT Russia!" My poor girl. Please pray for peace for all of us.

We did have peace. God did ANSWER my request. It was a hard, emotional day last January when we put Leanna on the plane back to Russia. We cried and cried and cried some more. But there was peace. Peace that her return to Russia would not be permanent. Peace in the hope that she would soon be home for good. Peace in God's plan that she is our daughter. Peace. Peace. Peace.

ANSWER to fundraising prayers - is praising God for an awesome yard sale today! Over $1,200 raised for 3 adoption funds! YAY GOD!!

ANSWER to fundraising prayers - received an anonymous envelope at co-op today. Full of cash for our adoption fund. $400 to be exact. All I could do was cry. David's words from 2 Samuel 7 are running through my head. "Because of your promise & according to your own heart you have brought about all this greatness to make your servant know it. O Lord God, you are God & your words are true & you have promised this good thing to your servant."

ANSWER - is praising God for "performing wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted!" WOO HOO!! Thank You, Lord!

(The above was related to a prayer request about Jon's work. I had asked our small group to pray for a miracle...and God provided it. If you'd like to hear the story sometime, I would love to share it!)

2. is speechless. All I can say is PLEASE PRAY for a miracle...that Russia will NOT suspend US adoptions. I'm going to go have a good cry now.

3. can't wait to see what the Lord does today! I think it's gonna be big! I invite all of you to come experience our yard sale. And believe me, it will be an experience not to be missed!

4. is praying that the threatened thunder shower will pass us by this morning. Please join me in praying that our yard sale will not get rained out!

ANSWER to 3 & 4 - knows you're all anxiously awaiting the results...our two day yard sale raised $1,860 to help with adoption expenses for us and also for our friends who will bring baby Elijah home from Ethiopia very soon! We give all the glory to God! WOO HOO!!!

5. is hoping all my local friends will come to our 3rd yard sale adoption fundraiser TOMORROW! EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! Come hungry...we'll have nummy baked goods for sale, too!

ANSWER to 5 - is pleased to report that despite the rain, or should I say downpour, despite the thunder and lightning, God sent us shoppers...from 6:45 am until noon. Our yard sale fundraiser yesterday raised...drum roll please...$1,300!!! God totally exceeded our hopes and expectations AGAIN! HE ROCKS!!

ANSWER to 2 - is super excited to announce that after many weeks of limbo and trying to figure out how to move forward, our homestudy has FINALLY been issued and we should have it tomorrow.

6. continued from previous - Next step...apply for USCIS. Looks like the average wait-time for that is almost 4 months.

7. needs to get back on the fundraising trail. Turning in more adoption paperwork also means handing over more money. We'll soon be needing over $2,000. Anyone want to sponsor a puzzle piece? Anyone? Anyone?

8. and ANSWER to 8 - recently asked a few friends to pray for wisdom for me. Today as I was looking for a Bible study to keep me busy this summer, I stumbled across online series of broadcasts from Beth Moore. The topic - wisdom. Oh, how I love Jesus and the many ways He cares for me!

ANSWER to 7 - is blessed beyond measure. We were surprised with an envelope full of cash from some awesomely wonderful friends to help buy Leanna clothes & things for the summer. We were also blessed with a surprise check from other, yet equally awesomely wonderful friends, to help buy things for Leanna's room. My cup runneth over...thank you, everyone!

ANSWER to private prayer during Leanna's summer visit - is thankful and praising God for a good day. Only ups downs. Can't wait to see what He has in store for tomorrow!

ANSWER to 6 - does believe a new record has been set. We received our USCIS approval in the mail yesterday. I verified with our agency to make sure this is is. The pretty pink piece of paper that many people we know waited 3 or 4 months for arrived after only...are you ready for this? 34 DAYS!! We were just fingerprinted 11 days ago! AMAZING!!

ANSWER to many private prayers - finally feels like Leanna feels like she's part of our family. Tonight was our best night yet! LOTS of laughter, games, and tickling. She almost gave Jon a goodnight hug. Twice. Thankful for a good, peaceful day at home (without complaining that it's 'boringly') and praying that tomorrow is just as good or even better. Can't believe we only have 15 days left with her. For now.

ANSWER to private prayer - survived a shopping trip with Leanna today. Had to smile when Abbi asked if she could accompany us into the dressing room. Leanna smiled and said, "Abbi, you come. You my sister. You come too." I love the way Leanna and Abbi are bonding. Leanna goes into Abbi's room at bedtime, sits at the end of the bed, and they chat in the dark until Jon or I go in to say it's bedtime. Sisters!

HUGE ANSWER to many private prayers - is so thankful that I got to see Leanna give Jon a hug at bedtime last night. It was the first time she gave him a real, both arms around his waist, hug. YAY!! It's hard to believe how far we've come in just 4 weeks. Praise the Lord!!

9. is really beginning to wonder about this plan God has for our family. Prayers are appreciated. It's been a rough weekend and I really need God to show Himself in a very big way.

ANSWER to 9 - is thankful that His grace is sufficient for me. His power is made perfect in my weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 9-10

ANSWER to 9 - can't say the same for Leanna, but I for one had an awesome experience at the dentist today. We were there for 2 hours while she had 8 cavities filled. The whole time, the dentist told me his story of adopting a 12 year old boy 6 years ago. He shared about how the Lord provided all his needs & carried he & his wife through the storms, valleys & deserts. Isn't it just like God to show up when you least expect it?!

10. NEEDS YOUR HELP! FBC in Gainesville offered us $500 for our adoption expenses if we can round up 10 volunteers for their consignments sale on August 27 and 28. I have 5 shifts covered so far. Please let me know if you can help! Shifts are Friday: 9-1, 1-5 or 5-9; Saturday: 7:30-11:30 or 1-5

(We ended up with 9 volunteers and $450 for the adoption fund! ANSWERED!!)

11. ‎& Jon are up to our eyeballs in grant applications. Praying for lots of money to start rolling in. Gotta bring our girl home!! Our first trip will likely be in October & we'll need around $20,000 at that time. Thankful for a sovereign God who's got it all under control. Thankful for peace after a 3 week long wrestling match. Thankful for His strength in my weakness. Thankful He can do it when I cannot. YAY, GOD!!

(We discovered that of the 5 or 6 grants we actually qualify for, several were/are out of funds at this time...but God is faithful! Read on!)

12. would appreciate prayers for Leanna. She's been in the hospital for several days with a fever that won't come down. She is still there and has missed the first two days of school. She'll miss tomorrow too. Her mood seems to be good though. She's complaining about the awful hospital food and is refusing to eat it. That's my girl!

ANSWER to 12 - finally heard back from Leanna. Her fever is gone, but she still has a cough and sore throat. She also said, "I wait for that day when we shall all be together." And she misses me and loves me. "Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land." Proverbs 25:25

13. is feeling discouraged today. Our dossier, that we were hoping would be registered on Monday, was not. That means we wait until the 27th. Having her home by Christmas may not be God's plan after all. sigh.

ANSWER to 13 - just got an email from Leanna that begins with, "Hi mom..." She's never referred to me as 'mom' before. I was not prepared for it. I'm still crying. How did she know I needed that?!

ANSWER to 13 is THRILLED to announceDrum roll please...Our dossier has FINALLY been registered!!Possible travel at the end of October.WOO HOO!!

14. would appreciate prayers for Leanna. She is yet AGAIN in the hospital...this time with stomach issues. She should be discharged on Friday but I've heard that one before.

ANSWER to 14 - is pleased to report that Leanna is out of the hospital. Maybe I should take bets on how long it will be before she goes back...could be a good fundraiser. Just kidding! Please continue to pray for her and our adoption process. We're still waiting to hear from Russia...or should I say Rush-huh.

15. needs you all to PRAY! There is a rumor that the Russian MOE is not processing any more adoptions this year because they don't want to exceed the number from 2009 (which has already been exceeded) & that the governor wants to reduce adoptions by 60% next year. Our agency is aware of the rumor but can't confirm or deny it until NEXT WEEK when their facilitator meets with an official!

16. can't believe Jon has to head out of town TOMORROW and may or may not be back by Saturday. I may be sending out an urgent email BEGGING people to come help me set up for the yard sale on Saturday morning. It's too late to reschedule. I have 2 women coming at 7am, but I may need some men to help with the heavy stuff. Anyone? Anyone?

17. needs to know if anyone has clothes racks we can borrow for Saturday. We were hoping to use the ones we had last time but just found out it's a no-go. Anyone? Anyone? We'll need quite a few...

(5 small clothes were provided and we rigged up some sawhorses and poles for the rest. ANSWERED!)

ANSWER to 16 - How great is our God! Sing with me! How great is our God! And all will see how great, how GREAT is our God! Are you ready to Look, Watch and Be Amazed? I sure am! I'm amazed just looking at all that was accomplished today. God multiplied my time over and over. Still lots to do to get ready for our Yard Sale Like No Other, but I am no longer overwhelmed. PRAISE GOD!!

ANSWER to 16 - is exhausted. Worked on the yard sale for 9 hours today. WOW! We have GREAT stuff this time! Thank you to all who donated! THANK YOU to all who helped me today. I couldn't have done it without you!! We even made $155 from people who just couldn't wait until tomorrow...even though we repeatedly told them THE YARD SALE IS TOMORROW!

ANSWER knows you're all waiting on pins and needles to hear...
drum roll please...
our Yard Sale Like No Other raised...
over $1,400 - in JUST ONE DAY! WOO HOO, GOD!
We enjoyed it so much, we decided to do it again next weekend.
Did you just hear the kids groan? :)

18. just had an hour long IM chat with Leanna. She is sad & upset that we haven't come & that we don't know when we will. Please keep her in your prayers. Also, we're trying to decide if we should host her for Christmas. Pray for wisdom. It's just so hard to predict when she'll be home. Hosting will cost $2,400...which we just raised with the yard sales. But then it's $2,400 out of the adoption fund. What should we do?

ANSWER to 15 & 18 - JUST GOT TRAVEL DATES!!! Russia, here we come! WOW! I am stunned...what do we do first?

19. thinks Oksana at Go To Russia ROCKS! Visa applications done! Next on the arrangements. Advice please...should we buy tickets for about $1,200 each and KNOW we'll get there in time or use a friends buddy pass for half the cost but fly stand-by and take a risk? What would you do?? any of you have Delta Skymiles you'd like to transfer to us?

ANSWER to 19 - just loves it when God works it all out for you...and in ways you would never expect. The sister of a friend of mine just transferred 42,000 miles to us (for $480) which gave us 63,000 with Delta's 50% bonus. That gives us enough miles for TWO tickets to Russia for the lovely price of about $715!! The tickets are on hold until Friday while the miles are put into Jon's account. We leave next Friday...9 DAYS!

ANSWER to private prayers - made it to St. Pete! YAY! We are exhausted but trying to stay awake until a reasonable bedtime. Thankful we're not hitting Paris on our way home. But I guess Amsterdam won't necessarily be any better. VERY bumpy 2nd flight. My eyes weren't closed because I was sleeping...they were closed because I was praying for our lives!

ANSWER to private prayers - survived our medical visits today! SO GLAD THAT IS OVER!!!
20. continued from previous...Please pray we have our court date by February 18 (hopefully MUCH sooner) or we'll have to do some of that again.

ANSWER to 20 pending...

So. Do you see it? God's faithfulness was revealed over and over and over this year. Every time money was due for the adoption, we had it. Even when we thought we were $400 short in Russia, God was providing that $400 here in Georgia. It's amazing to me that we have spent about $15,000 so far and not one penny of it is debt! There is no reason for Jon and I NOT to believe that God will also provide the $16,500 we need in 2 weeks and the other $15,000 we need to bring Leanna home once and for all. He has proved time and time and time again that He will provide. I think (hope) that our lack of worry at this point is evidence that we have learned this lesson. I hope that the fact that we are sleeping soundly means that we have crossed this bridge and won't have to cross it again. Neither of us have been lying awake at night wondering and worrying about where we'll get this HUGE sum of money. We're both sleeping like babies. Like we haven't a care in the world.

I just finished reading God's Adventurer by Phyllis Thompson. It's a wonderful little biography about Hudson Taylor, a missionary in China. Throughout the book, Taylor makes many requests to God. And God responds each time. It's an incredibly inspiring book, especially when you feel like your prayer requests are just too big. One thing that spoke to me was towards the end when Hudson realizes that God is calling him to begin his own missionary society. Hudson feels the responsibility is just too great. Until he realizes that the burden is not on himself. "Oh, Lord, YOU shall have all the burden! I will go forward as Your servant, at Your bidding." With that prayer, Hudson's fear disappeared. He learned that whatever happened as a result of obeying God's voice was not his responsibility. 'All he had to do was go forward, asking God to send what was necessary...'

And so shall we. After reviewing all the ways that God answered our prayers this year (I didn't even share half of them here!), there is only one way to respond. With thankfulness and eager expectation of how He will answer our prayers this year. Beginning with the $16,500.

'Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.' Ephesians 3:20 & 21