There are 9 canyons to explore and they're all numbered. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 were very pretty (see above), but nothing really spectacular (I think growing up in the Northwest has raised my standards on natural beauty). The park website said the path is usually wet and muddy, but it's not normal mud. It's sand. But not the kind of sand that sinks. It was very pleasant to walk on and we didn't end up muddy at all (which I envisioned when I read that).
We were the only ones at the park (truly) so we let Toby off his leash for awhile so he could investigate with the kids. He had so much fun!
When we got into canyons 4 and 5, we were 'wowed.' Every corner we turned one of us said, "Wow! Look how beautiful this is!" It was really incredible. Just gorgeous!
The kids and I needed a short break and Jon got bored...
We explored in the canyons for over two hours and we still had to finish the 3 mile hike. It was extremely hot and muggy this day and we were all pretty gross, but it was well worth it. We ended up taking an unintentional detour that threw us off over a mile. Ugh. By the time we got to the last 4 canyons, some of us were ready to be done. Canyons 6, 7, and 8 were very pretty, but I think 4 and 5 were our favorites. The path to number 9 appeared to be washed out, so we didn't see it. But I don't think any of us cared by then.
Clap your hands all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy! How awesome is the Lord most high, the Great King over all the earth! Psalm 47:1, 2
For God is King of all the earth; sing to Him a psalm of praise! Psalm 47:7
It is beautiful in its loftiness, the joy of the whole earth. Psalm 48:2
Like I said, we still had to finish the 3 mile hike after spending a few hours exploring the canyons. We were each almost out of water and little Abbi was just done in. So Jon scooped her onto his back. The last few pictures are of the view as we hiked out of the canyons. Beautiful! We all had a great day and couldn't wait for our beds...especially Toby!
There were several docks along the way and we took a short break here.
Is this not beautiful?
I rode 4.5 miles, Jacob rode almost 7 while Jon and the twins rode almost 10. While we were all resting and drinking water before we loaded up to head home, Caleb was riding circles around us (literally). He has boundless energy!
Have I mentioned how much Jon loves this bike rack? He is especially proud of it! So honey, this is for you!
We'd been to Stone Mountain several times, but we had never stayed for the laser show. We were warned about some Southern...uh, propaganda in the laser show and it wasn't a joke. There was no doubt we were in the South. It's supposed to be the world's longest running laser show and it was pretty good. But the fireworks were fan-tabulous!