Monday, November 17, 2008

Valerie Tripp

A few weeks ago Jon took Abbi out for a 'daddy/daughter' day. He's recently taken each of the boys to a hockey game (sitting in Kenwood's reserved box seats!) so Abbi was due for a date with him. It just so happened that Valerie Tripp, the author of the American Girl books that Abbi loves, made an appearance at the American Girl store. So that's where Jon and Abbi headed. It was Jon's first experience at the American Girl store. Valerie was a lovely woman and Abbi has much in common with her.
Abbi was very excited to meet one of her favorite authors and have one of her books autographed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Twins turned 9!

Well, my babies are 9 years old as of Monday. As is customary, they got to choose where we ate dinner that night, and they both voted for On the Border. Kit and Bruce came along too.

They got a free dessert and the staff sang to them.
As is also customary, Phoebe thought all the boxes were for her!
Abbi had an American Girl party here last Saturday. She had 4 friends and their dolls's our beautiful cupcake stand. First all the girls did a craft...they decorated these darling flip flops.
Then it was off to Abbi's bedroom for manicures and pedicures.
Aren't those toes gorgeous?!
Abbi was just a little bit excited!
The above is a photo of all the girls' dolls. Notice they all have on a Happy Birthday headband. The 2nd one from the left is holding a doll sized party blower. Abbi's party was complete with doll cups, plates and forks. The girls all ooohed and was so fun!
Caleb wanted a pool party this year, so we did his party back in September. The day ended up being a tad bit chilly, but none of the kids seemed to mind.
I think Caleb and his friends had a super time!
Caleb got the Lego Castle!

Alex, Caleb, Abbi, Bethany, Elliott and Jessica on the bottom.