Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cultivating the interests of our children

I just read this in one of my weekly homeschool emails and didn't want to forget, so I'm putting here.

It is God who placed creativity inside each of our children. He gave them the ability to think and learn and do. He gave each special, unique gifts and abilities to be used for His glory. He wants to cultivate them in our children and He'd like us to help -- not necessarily because we know how to do something, but because He wants us to share in His delight in what comes forth.

That's the great thing about homeschooling; it allows parents to cultivate the interests of each child . . . because EVERY child has distinct interests. Some like bugs, others like numbers. Some like to draw, play house, talk with others, organize, go on adventures, take apart mechanical devices, or cook. As parents, we should be watching for these interests to use as vehicles to help train our children. A child who likes bugs may not grow up to be an entomologist, but he or she might learn to love reading by looking at bug books, or become a chemist from learning about bug killers, or study to be a theologian because of being awed by the incredible diversity of God's creation. All these are possibilities that can take root from an interest in multi-legged insects.